Always feel that small moments are more valuable. Because the greatest happiness is hidden in them🌿
Nov 7, 2021 • 21 tweets • 14 min read
Dear #Shusha, you are free!
Blessed is the history of freedom!
Happy Victory Day, my Azerbaijan! #VictoryDayİnAzerbaijan 🐺🇦🇿🤟❤️
Today is the day of victory of the Azerbaijani people. Happy Victory Day, my Azerbaijan! May God have mercy on our martyrs.
May God protect our people. #VictoryDayİnAzerbaijan
Thank you very much for your support, dear Turkey. Our brotherhood is eternal.
Nov 6, 2021 • 11 tweets • 3 min read
Azadlığı istəmirəm zərrə-zərrə, qram-qram!
Qolumdakı zəncirləri qıram gərək, qıram, qıram! #BağımsızlıkİsteYanındayız
Çocuğunun doğumunun üzerinden 2 yıl geçmesine rağmen çocuğuna Türkçe Bensu adını koyduğu için hala kimlik belgesi alamamış.
Milyonlarca Türk'ün yaşadığı İran adlı bir ülkede Türkçe hala yasak ve Türk karşıtlığı hakim. #BağımsızlıkİsteYanındayız
Nov 2, 2021 • 4 tweets • 5 min read
I accepted this challange🤗❤️
Tahir Salahov - Azerbaijani artist⏬
Academician of the USSR Academy of Arts (since 1975) Tahir Salahov was awarded the title of Hero of Socialist Labor (1989), People's Artist of the USSR (1973), People's Artist of the Azerbaijan SSR (1963)⏬
Maiden Tower, translated from the Azerbaijani name of Qiz Qalasi is an iconic eight storey cylindrical tower in Baku’s old city in Azerbaijan.The base of Maiden Tower is believed to date back to the 6th or 7th century, while the higher parts and the addition that juts out from ⏬
Oct 16, 2021 • 13 tweets • 29 min read
13 civilians were killed and 52 others were injured in Armenian missile attack in central part of Ganja, Azerbaijan’s second largest city on the night leading to October 17. Among the killed are three children, including a 16-month-old girl.⏬ #ArmenianWarCrimes#Ganjaterror
Twenty houses were destroyed during the attack on Ganja that is 100 km away from the conflict zone. One of the injured three-year old Khadija Shahnazarli lost her entire family as her mother was buried in the same grave with her another daughter and with her husband next to her⏬
#Khankendi city means “village of the Khan” since it was founded by Ibrahim Khalil Khan. #Khankendi was renamed by Soviet government.
After regaining independence #Azerbaijan🇦🇿 returned the real name to its historical land. #KhankendiNotStepanakert ⤵️
Although there were no Armenians or Russians in Khankendi in 1813, in 1847 there was a house and an Armenian church inhabited by 80 Armenian and 52 Russian families. Nevertheless, in 1847 the settlement was officially named Khankendi on the maps of Russia #KhanendiNotStepanakert