Michael Murphy Profile picture
#BantingCanada Postdoc (@QueensuPOLS / @QueensCIDP / @cigionline). PhD (@uOttawaPoli). Editorial Asst @SecDialogue. Fmr school trustee. Kingstonian. FHG2232.
Apr 7, 2020 13 tweets 9 min read
1/13. Is #EmergencyeLearning a case of securitization?

My #WIISTOTC presentation has 4 sections: key justifications for emergency eLearning, content analysis of 90 E-eL declarations, application of securitization theory, and concluding thoughts on post-pandemic pedagogy. 2/13 Without a vaccine available, only “Old-Style” public health measures (doi.org/10.1093/jtm/ta…) of isolation, quarantine, distancing, and containment are available to #flattenthecurve of #COVID-19. #WIISTOTC