Anastasia Magazova 🌻 Profile picture
Journalist, author, political scientist. Covering 🇺🇦 for 🇩🇪, earlier 🇩🇪-🇺🇦 relations. Ex-correspondent for #DW, #RFERL. Originally from Crimea.
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May 28 • 6 tweets • 2 min read
Der 70-jährige Oleksandr überredete seine gehbehinderte Frau, die Stadt zu verlassen, als das russische Militär mit den Straßenkämpfen in Wowtschansk begann. Er lieh sich von einem Nachbarn einen Rollstuhl, setzte seine Frau hinein und ... 🧵👇 1/!6010364/ ... die drei machten sich zu Fuß auf den Weg, um unter Beschuss aus der Stadt zu fliehen. Nach einiger Zeit blieb das Rad des Rollstuhls im Boden stecken. Oleksandr bückte sich, um es herauszuziehen, als er eine Maschinengewehrsalve hörte. 2/
Jun 27, 2023 • 11 tweets • 2 min read
People in Ukraine are shocked by the murder of two Ukrainian teenagers Tihran Ohannisian and Mykyta Khanhanov, which took place on June 24, 2023, in Russian-occupied Berdiansk, Zaporizhzhia region 💔 All the circumstances of the murder are still unclear, but... 1/ ... the occupation authorities of Berdiansk claim that their murder allegedly occurred due to an attack on “police officers” by Tihran and Mykyta. Since September 2022, the Russian occupation authorities have persecuted Tihran, Mykyta, and their families. 2/
May 19, 2023 • 5 tweets • 2 min read
"Die 🇺🇦 Polizei fand dort eine mehrere Meter tiefe Foltergrube, darin die Leichen zweier Männer. Sie waren aneinander gefesselt – der Arm des einen an das Bein des anderen. Der eine war durch Schüsse in die Schläfe, der andere durch Schüsse in den Hinterkopf getötet worden" 1/3 Für mich als Journalistin ist es sehr wichtig, sozusagen immer an den Tatort zurückzukehren. Genau das habe ich gemacht, um diesen Text zu schreiben. Wir alle erinnern uns an die schockierenden Fotos aus Isjum nach der Befreiung der Stadt. Aber ... 2/3
Oct 7, 2022 • 8 tweets • 3 min read
I see a lot of discussion about dissatisfaction among Ukrainians with the Nobel Committee's decision to award the Peace Prize to human rights defenders from three countries at once. I will try to explain my view of the problem. 🧵1/7 #NobelPeacePrize Many of those who are now criticising actually support the awarding of this Prize to both #Memorial and #AlesBialiatski. Their work and fight for human rights and freedoms in their countries deserves enormous respect, there is no doubt! Ukrainians do not see this as unfair. 2/7
Aug 11, 2022 • 4 tweets • 2 min read
Russians are firing “Grads” right outside a cafe in the centre of Nova Kakhovka, Kherson Oblast. Where is #Amnesty? - I dare to ask. And this
Jul 29, 2022 • 14 tweets • 4 min read
My understanding of today's war crime in #Olenivka colony, Donetsk region.
I regularly read the propaganda channels of "DNR/LNR war reporters". Therefore, I can share my observations on how they construct their information campaigns. Thread 🧵 1/13 A few days ago, these "war correspondents" began massively distributing their "interviews" with prisoners from the #Azov battalion. They all talked about committing terrible crimes against civilians (especially in Mariupol). 2/13
Mar 15, 2022 • 8 tweets • 2 min read
URGENT. Russian troops have taken the staff and patients of #Mariupol Hospital as hostages. Thread 1/5👇 Residents of Mariupol have contacted the Media Human Rights Initiative (MHRI) hotline, saying that since yesterday morning (March 14) the Mariupol Regional Intensive Care Hospital (46 Troitska Street) has been occupied by the Russian troops. 2/5
Mar 14, 2022 • 4 tweets • 1 min read
Ich wollte nie so Live aus Kyjiw berichten đź’”