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Why #JoeBiden Will Get the #NobelPeacePrize - a thread 🧵

The #UkraineWar might be a blessing for the world in disguise by bringing about lasting world peace.

And, for this, we will have to thank the @POTUS

How? Because, no matter what the cost, Western countries are determined to supply more and more weapons and ammunition to Ukraine to fight #Russia.

#Biden has said that #American support for #Ukraine will continue "as long as it takes."

#Russia has been steadily destroying all this ammunition and these weapons, so much so that it is already summer (beginning of June) and the "spring #counteroffensive" of #Ukraine hasn't yet started, because they have no weapons to start any offensive.

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In five years, #JoeBiden will likely get the #NobelPeacePrize. But not because he did anything proactively for peace.

It is because a #Multipolar World will be more peaceful than a unipolar one, and Biden has done more than anyone else (albeit unwittingly) to further that. (1/n)
The US-led #sanctions against #Russia in response to the #UkraineRussiaWar have forced countries around the world to abandon the US dollar as a medium of trade. This is forcing the rest of the world (non-West) together. Banning Russia from #swift was most important in this. (2/n)
#India and #China desperately need oil. Because of sanctions, Russia is providing oil at cheap rates to both. Russia has now become India's largest source of oil, displacing Saudi Arabia and Iraq. Chinese imports of Russian oil have also zoomed upwards. (3/n)
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दोन दिवस झाले बर्याच पत्रकारांनी आणि लोकांनी भारताचे पंतप्रधान मा.नरेंद्र मोदी यांना 'शांततेचा नोबेल' पुरस्कार मिळेल किंवा ते प्रबळ दावेदार आहेत अश्या प्रकारच्या बातम्या पसरवल्या. पण तथ्य असे आहे की ही बातमी फक्त एक अफवा आहे.
नोबेल शांतता कमिटीचे डेप्युटी लिडर
#NobelPeacePrize Image
'Asle Toje' जेव्हा भारतात आले होते तेव्हा त्यांनी बरीच वक्तव्य केली. पण त्यांच्या वक्तव्यांचा विपर्यास करून मोदीजींना शांततेचा नोबेल मिळेल अश्या बातम्या चालवण्यात आल्या आहेत. काल खुद्द Asle Toje साहेबांना जगासमोर वक्तव्य करावे लागले की मी अस काही सुद्धा बोललो नसुन पत्रकारांनी Image
माझे म्हणणे उलटसुलट करून दाखवल आहे 😄
थोडं नोबेल पुरस्काराबद्दल👇
या पुरस्काराची सुरूवात १९०१ साली झाली. स्विडनचे सुप्रसिद्ध उद्योजक इंजिनीयर अल्र्फेड नोबेल यांच्या नावाने विविध क्षेत्रात लक्षणीय योगदान देणार्यांना हा पुरस्कार दिला जातो.यात Physics, chemistry, medicine literature ImageImage
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There Will Be No #WWIII !!!

Headlines in the Western media suggest that the US is determined to impose harsh #economicsanctions on China for allegedly "planning to supply Russia with weapons."

This is actually great news. A 🧵 to explain why. (1/n)
China has denied the allegations, which only say that China is "planning to supply Russia with weapons," not that they have actually supplied weapons. But the US doesn't care about reality, only about its own decisions. Ask #Iraq . There were never any #WMD (2/n)
If China is not supplying weapons to Russia, why sanction China? Because China is an economic lifeline for Russia. China buying Russian energy and natural resources is what helps Russians get everything they need in return. As long as this goes on, sanctions will fail. (3/n)
Read 24 tweets
🧵 of #MLK speeches and sermons in which he speaks truth to power, shares about his philosophy of nonviolence, and expounds on issues of injustice and what our righteous, rigorous response should be.


#MLKDay #MLKDay2023 Image
Our #MLKDay2023 #MLKDay featured #MLK speech is ‘Creative Maladjustment’:
“I accept this award today with an abiding faith in America and an audacious faith in the future of mankind. I refuse to accept despair as the final response to the ambiguities of history.”

#MLK #MLKDay #MLKDay2023 #NobelPeacePrize

Full speech:
Read 15 tweets
🏆 An organisation @ccl_ua received the #NobelPeacePrize 2022. The team dedicated their work to the fight for human rights and democracy.

It was the first time that the Ukrainians received such an award as well as when the Ukrainian language was heard at the official ceremony.
The head of the Center @avalaina delivered the Nobel Lecture today, on December 10, in Oslo City Hall in Norway.

👉 You can watch or read the entire address at…
@avalaina:“We see the Prize as a recognition of the efforts of 🇺🇦 people, who have bravely stood up to the attempts to destroy peaceful development of Europe, as well as a celebration of the work being done by human rights activists to prevent military threat for entire world”.
Read 5 tweets
Today is not only Quarter Finals day at the world cup for #England (I have my fingers crossed for no power cuts 9pm-midnight here in #Kyiv)..

It's also Day 290 of #Russia's full invasion and unprovoked attack on #Ukraine

Here's the link for Friday's news
Yesterday the #USA announced that #Russia and #Iran have made a deeper agreement.
Today the daily update from the #UK Defence Intelligence picks up on the matter:

#StopRussia #StandWithUkraine
The number of #Russia's soldiers remains quite high if you actually think about the waste, the grieving families. However the totals this week well down on the peak figures.

Read 22 tweets
Orwellian: #NobelPeacePrize is awarded to #Ukrainian NGO, which is funded by Western governments & foundations & advocates trumped-up charges for Maidan massacre in #Ukraine in spite of overwhelming evidence. 1/

#NobelPeacePrize2022 #NobelPrize #Nobel…
Ukrainian #NobelPeacePrize2022 winner advocates trumped-up charges for Maidan massacre in #Ukraine despite testimonies of absolute majority of wounded Maidan protesters, over 500 witnesses & 14 Maidan snipers, videos, forensic expert examinations & coverup…
"Euromaidan SOS project was first established to provide legal assistance to protesters who took part in the 2013 and 2014 demonstrations in Kyiv’s Maidan Square, and to monitor abuses carried out by the security forces of... president, Viktor Yanukovych."…
Read 4 tweets
I see a lot of discussion about dissatisfaction among Ukrainians with the Nobel Committee's decision to award the Peace Prize to human rights defenders from three countries at once. I will try to explain my view of the problem. 🧵1/7 #NobelPeacePrize
Many of those who are now criticising actually support the awarding of this Prize to both #Memorial and #AlesBialiatski. Their work and fight for human rights and freedoms in their countries deserves enormous respect, there is no doubt! Ukrainians do not see this as unfair. 2/7
The problem lies elsewhere. A more global understanding of the situation. Ukrainians no longer want the world to perceive them in a direct context with Russia and Belarus. 3/7
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The Norwegian Nobel Committee has decided to award the 2022 #NobelPeacePrize to human rights advocate Ales Bialiatski from Belarus, the Russian human rights organisation Memorial and the Ukrainian human rights organisation Center for Civil Liberties.

The #NobelPeacePrize laureates represent civil society in their home countries. They have for many years promoted the right to criticise power and protect the fundamental rights of citizens.
They have made an outstanding effort to document war crimes, human right abuses and the abuse of power. Together they demonstrate the significance of civil society for peace and democracy.

#NobelPrize #NobelPeacePrize
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Nobel Prizes in all fields have to be awarded to government leaders because whatever they say concerning #UkraineRussiaWar is typically reported by media as truth with no evidence needed, and this is taken at face value even by many scholars. There is no need for science now.
Nobel Prizes in all fields have to be also awarded to
overnight experts whose views on #UkraineRussiaWar dominate media & social media. In Nobel Prize worthy breakthrough, they know everything about this war & #Ukraine without doing any studies or research on these issues.
And #NobelPeacePrize prize has to be awarded to all those who denounce peace in Ukraine and advocate war, including even nuclear war. This is astonishing achievement in advancing lasting peace in #Ukraine and in the world. As Orwell said, war is peace.
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A 🧵 of #MLK writings/speeches (plus color photos) to get you started or continue your exploration.


#LetterFromBirminghamJail #TheOtherAmerica #BeyondVietnam #ThreeEvilsOfSociety
*The World House* chapter from #MLK’s last book, ‘Where Do We Go From Here: Chaos or Community?’ Here’s an excerpt from that chapter, but I encourage you to read the entire book:…
“Nonviolence is not sterile passivity, but a powerful moral force which makes for social transformation.” #MLK #NobelPeacePrize
Read 12 tweets
🧵 A thread of #MLK speeches, sermons and interviews in which he tells inconvenient truths, shares about his philosophy of nonviolence, and expounds on injustice and what our righteous, rigorous response should be.

Relevant. Revelatory. Revolutionary.

#MLKDay #MLKDay2022 Image
Our #MLKDay2022 featured writing is *The World House* chapter from #MLK’s last book, ‘Where Do We Go From Here: Chaos or Community?’ Here’s an excerpt from that chapter, but we encourage you to read the entire book:…
“Nonviolence is not sterile passivity, but a powerful moral force which makes for social transformation.” #MLK #MLKDay #MLKDay2022 #NobelPeacePrize
Read 14 tweets
Here's a list of various doctors trying to bring you the truth at great cost to themselves. Search for them on uncensored platforms: Duck Duck Go, Telegram, Bitchute, Rumble and Odysee.

There are 2 #NobelPeacePrize winners & 1 nominee on this list.

Go do some research!
🧵 1-17
Dr. Daniel Nagase
Dr. Charles Hoff
Dr. Michael Yeadon (Former Pfizer VP)
Dr. Robert Malone (mRNA inventor)
Dr. Peter McCullough (most published on CV)
Dr. Vladimir Zelenko (Nobel PP Nominee)
Dr. Kary Mullis (PCR inventor/Nobel PP winner)
Dr. Rima Laibow
Dr. Naomi Wolf
Dr. David Martin
Dr. Luc Montainger
Dr. Roger Hodkinson
Dr. Geert Vanden Bossche
Dr. Sherri Tenpenny
Dr. Judy Mitkovitz
Dr. Carrie Madej
Dr. Vernon Coleman
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🧵Three by @ChawlaSwati

1/ On Tibetan Buddhist Nuns in Exile:

#OnThisDay @DalaiLama was awarded #NobelPeacePrize, the only #Buddhist religious leader thus honored (#MLK nominated @thichnhathanh in '67).

Many associate #Tibet w/ him+ other monks in red robes--

What about nuns? Celebrations at Majnu Ka Ti...
2/ "Some feminists from the West cud accuse me by saying, ‘The #DalaiLama is the authority but he doesn’t help the nuns.’"

Yes, @DalaiLama has often faced the accusation that the #TibetanBuddhist tradition doesn't give nuns the same rights as monks.…

3/ 🚨🚨🚨 Of the 8 reps of #TibetanBuddhism in the current Parliament in Exile– two each from Gelug, Kagyu, Sakya, Nyigma sects– **all** are monks; so are the two members from pre-Buddhist Bon religion.

(Though ~1/3 of MPs from provinces U-Tsang, Dhotoe+ Dhomey are women.)

~SC Image
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Every week in #BQOpinion, Priya Ramani’s ‘Rational Anthem’ column casts a mirror on the lives we live and the society around us.

Read them here:… ImageImageImageImage
How #Covid19 has left its Yeti-sized footprints all over our closest relationships.

Read #PriyaRamani in #BQOpinion.
In India’s worst health crisis after independence, children have come closer to death than ever before.

Talking about death is no longer something to be done in whispers after the kids have gone to bed, writes Priya Ramani in #BQOpinion.
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#WorldRedCrossDay 🏥⛑️
ఒక అంతర్జాతీయ మానవతావాద ఉద్యమం. ఈ సంస్థలో ప్రపంచవ్యాప్తంగా దాదాపు 9.7 కోట్ల మంది సభ్యులు (కార్యకర్తలు) ఉన్నారు. వీరు మానవతావాదాన్ని, మానవుల జీవితాలను, ఆరోగ్యాన్ని కాపాడడానికి అనునిత్యం శ్రమిస్తూ వుంటారు.
#Redcrossday2021 Image
జాతి, మత, కుల, వర్గ, వర్ణ మరియు వయో భేదాలు లేకుండా సత్సంకల్పంతో పనిచేస్తూ వుంటారు..

ప్రథమ చికిత్స, ప్రమాదాలు జరగకుండా చూడడం, త్రాగే నీటిని పరిశుభ్రంగా ఉంచటం, నర్సులకు శిక్షణ నివ్వడం, ప్రాథమిక ఆరోగ్య కేంద్రాలను నడపటానికి మంత్రసానులకు శిక్షణ, వైద్య శాలలను Image
స్థాపించడం, రక్త నిధులు (#BloodBanks 🆎🅰️🅱️🅾️) సేకరించడం, మొదలైన పనులు చేస్తుంటుంది.

#Unstoppable Image
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There is a well funded, coordinated effort 2 destabilize #Ethiopia & de-legitimize its Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed @PMEthiopia @PMAbiy. BUT, here r the undisputed FACTS, all done apart from & in addition 2 his NOBLE actions 4 which he was awarded #NobelPeacePrize: #1 @PMAbiy made
half of all his TOP cabinet ministers WOMEN! Yes, unlike the USA and other "developed" western nations, #Ethiopia actually demands half its population actually RUN THE COUNTRY! and you can thank @PMAbiy for this courageous act! #2 After 27 yrs of tyrany under the TPLF, @PMAbiy
released ALL POLITICAL PRISONERS and unbanned all political parties AND news outlets. Sound like a failed despot to you??? NO! In fact when he was awarded the @NobelPrize none of this was mentioned because his heroism with regard to peace with #Eritrea was enough to earn it, #3
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📢𝐘𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐕𝐨𝐢𝐜𝐞 𝐢𝐧 𝐄𝐮𝐫𝐨𝐩𝐞 - Our newsletter is out!

👉… ImageImageImageImage
1/10 "Behind mask of an authoritarian regime, a modern nation state is waiting to emerge. Let us hope when spring comes, and snow thaws, the pathway to freedom and democracy will be clearer." @rogercasale Vera Móra #StandWithBelarus #QuoVadis @VoxEurop…
2/10 "On #WorldNGODay and the Day of Crimean Resistance to the Russian Occupation, we, the undersigned, call for an end to the persecution of journalists and NGO activists in #Belarus and #Crimea."

Sign our Call to End Persecutions in Belarus and Crimea… Image
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Did you know that it is not possible to revoke a #NobelPeacePrize even if one is no longer worthy of the honor? Imagine #Hitler was awarded the #NobelPrize, he would still keep his prize after the #Holocaust. I think this is flawed and unscientific!

That's not a far-fetched example. Something extraordinary is happening in front of our eyes. The #Tigray region of #Ethiopia is on the edge of genocide at the hands of the 2019 #NobelLaureate @AbiyAhmedAli. #TigrayGenocide

You may not have heard or seen much of the atrocities Abiy is committing. This is because there's a complete communication blackout in #Tigray. Abiy has shut down the #Internet and blocked roads so no independent reporters are on the ground.…

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1. Ethiopia remains one of the largest recipient of humanitarian assistance in the world & now further exacerbated by disasters such as continuous infightings, #COVID19 pandemic, swarm of desert locust & climate induced crop failure.
2. Worse-off is the recent call for bloodshed by the grossly incompetent leadership of @AbiyAhmedAli. The nation is inching everyday into balkanization because of his shortsighted policies.
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Today #Ethiopia is entering civil war territory as federal troops deploy to take on #Tigray (TPLF) forces after what Addis said was an attack by the northern region against a federal military base. This is a disaster for the region, for Africa, for the world. Thread -->
Many Ethiopians on all sides hoped it would never get to this, although it has been like watching a train crash in slow motion for months. At each step of the way it has been possible for each side to de-escalate but everyone has chosen to press ahead with hardline positions.
Great hopes awaited Ethiopia when prime minister #AbiyAhmed took office in 2018. He took credit for continuing the policy of releasing political prisoners, and forging a peace deal with #Eritrea, winning the #NobelPeacePrize @NobelPrize as a result.
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On Friday, @WFP was awarded the #NobelPeacePrize for work to address hunger. Conflict & hunger are closely linked, and I've had the opportunity to see the work of WFP and other food sec actors on the ground in several contexts. A 🧵with some resources I find useful on the topic:
Announcement itself is a good starting point…, mentioning "efforts to combat hunger [...] contribution to bettering conditions for peace in conflict-affected areas and [...] efforts to prevent the use of hunger as a weapon of war." Let's take those in turn:
First, on combating hunger in conflict, a great overview of evidence on effects of war on hunger by @apvjustino of @UNUWIDER here… and further discussion on hunger & peace, incl gender dimensions, in Justino's co-authored paper here…
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#NEWS: Amnesty International India Halts Its Work On Upholding Human Rights In India Due To Reprisal From Government Of India…
The complete freezing of Amnesty International India’s bank accounts by the Government of India which it came to know on 10 September 2020, brings all the work being done by the organization to a grinding halt.
The organisation has been compelled to let go of staff in India and pause all its ongoing campaign and research work. This is the latest in the incessant witch-hunt of human rights organizations by the Government of India over unfounded and motivated allegations.
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