Alberta Teachers' Association Profile picture
ATA, as the professional organization of teachers, advances public education, supports teachers' professional practice and advocates for its members.
May 18 34 tweets 5 min read
Teachers at #ARA2024 are discussing a resolution "that Alberta students deserve better than to have the lowest-funded public education system in Canada" #abed #ableg Our school of 540 students has been told we are overstaffed. Two teachers in the last two years will not be replaced - speaker at #ARA2024 #abed #ableg
Dec 16, 2021 22 tweets 13 min read
Education Minister @AdrianaLaGrange is hosting a telephone townhall tonight to talk about her plans for teacher discipline. We will be factchecking the minister throughout this event on Twitter. #abed #ableg @AdrianaLaGrange LaGrange says that the ATA should not act as the defense in complaints of unprofessional conduct. THIS IS FALSE. Teachers are not represented by the ATA in unprofessional conduct cases. #abed #ableg
May 23, 2021 63 tweets 46 min read
Our day is beginning with the emergent motion of non-confidence in the Minister of Education. #ARA2021 #abed #ableg Some members of the public were ignored by the Minister, not having their emails or phone calls returned. -Speaker #ARA2021 #abed #ableg
May 22, 2021 17 tweets 10 min read
Dennis Theobald is now delivering the Executive Secretary's Report at #ARA2021 #abed The pandemic has not been the only matter affecting teachers and at any other time any one of the other issues we have been forced to face, whether it be: pensions, curriculum, Bill 32, private and charter schools. -Theobald #ARA2021 #abed
May 22, 2021 10 tweets 8 min read
President Schilling @schill_dawg is now providing the President's Report #ARA2021 #abed @schill_dawg Trying to sum up an extraordinary year can never truly capture the experiences and changes we've all born witness to. This year has been stressful, tough and relentless. No one is untouched by the pandemic. -Schilling #ARA2021 #abed
May 22, 2021 4 tweets 3 min read
Vice-president @JennyRegalYYC is now presenting the Public Education Award to Margaret Ann Armour (posthumous). #ARA2021 #abed @JennyRegalYYC Armour was very active in inspiring women and girls to learn about science, engineering and technology. -Regal #ARA2021 #abed
May 22, 2021 7 tweets 5 min read
The second honorary membership award is now being presented by past president Greg Jeffery @ab_teacher to Norm Yanitski #ARA2021 #abed @ab_teacher I was proud to share the podium with Norm at many events in Black Gold -Jeffery #ARA2021 #abed
May 22, 2021 10 tweets 5 min read
The honourary membership award is now being presented to former PEC member Jere Geiger. #ARA2021 #abed Geiger is a fierce advocate for students and public education. Quite simply, he is fearless. -Schillling #ARA2021 #abed
May 22, 2021 5 tweets 3 min read
Don't let anyone tell you that making schools safe for students falls only on your shoulders - Shelley Morse #ARA2021 #abed Even though education falls under provincial and territorial authority, the federal government has a crucial role in setting safety standards and demanding they be met. -Morse #ARA2021 #abed
Apr 15, 2021 12 tweets 9 min read
❗️Teachers Call for Stop to Curriculum Implementation❗️

We are calling for @YourAlberta to stop all work on the piloting and implementation of the draft curriculum until an independent, open and full review and rewrite can occur.

A thread. #ableg #abed 1/ The Association is publishing full-page ads in daily newspapers across Alberta tomorrow to issue the call for a moratorium and to show support for school boards and teachers that decide not to participate in piloting.

#ableg #abed 2/
Apr 10, 2021 9 tweets 6 min read
❗️Rapid Testing is Welcome, but Not Good Enough: A thread.

Here's a statement from @schill_dawg in response to today’s announcement about rapid testing in schools. #ableg #abed 1/ “The expansion of the rapid testing program in schools is welcome, but it is not enough. This decision is reactive – and late – when schools need proactive solutions in this race against COVID spread.

#ableg #abed 2/
Apr 8, 2021 10 tweets 7 min read
We asked, thousands of teachers answered.

✏️ 91% are unhappy with the draft & 3 in 4 teachers are “very unhappy.”
✏️90% are uncomfortable teaching the new curriculum
✏️95% of principals are uncomfortable supporting the curriculum in their school and community.

#ableg #abed 1/ “We wanted to give teachers time to review the documents and provide their feedback to us since the government failed to engage teachers in the curriculum process. But the preliminary data is overwhelming: this draft curriculum is fatally flawed." -@schill_dawg #abed #ableg 2/