Amnesty International South Asia, Regional Office Profile picture
Defending human rights. #Afghanistan #Bangladesh #Pakistan #SriLanka #Maldives #Bhutan English, Dari, Pashto, Bangla, Urdu, Tamil, Sinhala
May 9 4 tweets 1 min read
On 9 May 2023, Pakistan experienced countrywide protests in wake of the arrest of former Prime Minister Imran Khan.
The military and police used unlawful force against protestors, arbitrarily detained thousands, over a hundred of whom were detained in military custody, and imposed blanket suspension of mobile internet and social media platforms lasting several days. 1/4 🧵 @amnesty has observed over the last year that scores of protestors remain in custody, implicated in multiple cases, and have repeatedly been denied bail.

85 protestors are currently under military custody and being tried in military courts in a blatant violation of international human rights principles. 2/4
Jan 30, 2023 138 tweets 22 min read
The Pakistan delegation states its legislative progress
- Amended protection against harassment in workplace act 2012 to include non conventional workplaces 
- Anti-rape act 2021
- Enforcement of women's property act 2022
- Transgender Bill 2018
-Persons with Disabilities 2020 - ICT Senior Citizens Act 2022
- Zainab Alert Response and Recovery Act
- Legislation prohibiting child labour in effect
- Ratified Optional Protocol on Transnational Convention on Trafficking in 2022

Jun 27, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
Amnesty International is gravely concerned by reports of summary executions and harm to civilians in Balkhab district of Sari-Pul province. The parties to the conflict are obliged to fully observe laws of war in all hostilities, and avoid harming civilians and civilian objects. The Taliban must avoid blocking communication means and preventing essential needs from reaching the communities. The free flow of information from the conflict zone must be respected. Blocking transport of essential needs to reach communities is a war crime.
May 13, 2022 8 tweets 2 min read
As dangerously high heatwaves hit parts of Pakistan over the last several days, Amnesty International reminds the government of Pakistan of the need to respond to the reality of climate change with a human-rights assessment. In 2021, Amnesty International exposed the human cost of unliveable temperatures in Jacobabad, Pakistan, where temperatures in May 2022 have already reached 46 degrees centigrade on some days.…
May 11, 2022 10 tweets 4 min read
Sri Lanka: Authorities must immediately rescind the emergency regulations and shooting orders that provide excessive powers to the police and military,… and take immediate steps to respect, protect and fulfil the human rights of peaceful protestors, @amnesty said today.

#SriLanka #protestLK #SriLankaCrisis #lka
May 10, 2022 4 tweets 2 min read
Bebagr has finally been released after 13 days. Amnesty International reiterates its calls for Pakistan to end the practice of enforced disappearances, immediately disclose the whereabouts of disappeared people, and immediately release disappeared people or bring them before a civilian court of law to rule on the lawfulness of their detention. Enforced disappearances continue to be used as a tool of terror, and have been routinely used against Baloch students, activists, journalists and HRD's, putting them outside of the protection of the law, and at