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B.A.(econ) MBA; fmr CEO; Trans, Feminist, L/L learner. Environment, Regulated Mkt Capitalism, Universal Healthcare, Social Welfare, Fair Trade. LGBTQ rights
Oct 13, 2019 6 tweets 3 min read
1/ #ChooseForward Another discussion with a #cpc supporter last night. I concede that I was intentionally winding him up—condescendingly disproving false claims with cited facts or correcting subjective beliefs with more reasonable alternative inferences.
2/ A recurrent #cpc theme is the need for a national debt reduction. In itself that’s a reasonable goal—in fact virtually every party wants to do that.
🇨🇦 $120Bn debt is AVERAGE among OECD;
🇨🇦 has the HIGHEST credit rating^ (AAA),

Sep 1, 2019 6 tweets 3 min read
@merry123459 1/ A mix of anger and sadness, Vicki. There are differing ambitions for Canada, but historically never the visceral antipathy the #CPC is creating. Harper was a bad; Scheer is worse. CPC is now a repository of awful. Stanfield was good man, Joe Clark, Kim Campbell .../2 @merry123459 2/ I even worked on Mulroney’s campaign (I’m now a reformed, repentent MBA). Whoever won, you could accept the result—at least both sides were honest. Ford didn’t win ON, Wynne lost it. The #ontpc policies are intentionally MEAN and intended to harm—that is sad. .../3