Aravindalochanan Govindan Profile picture
Srivaishnava | Engineer by accident | Trustee - @indiccollective and @people4dharma
Ankita Das Profile picture 1 subscribed
Jul 25, 2020 9 tweets 2 min read
Since many sympathizers of the ruling party have been trying to keep the southies away from the Uttarakhand temple takeover by stating that south indians are not the stakeholders in those temple, I wish to share an interesting tidbit. 1200 years ago, an azhwar from my hometown in South TN went on a pilgrimage to North India. He visited alot of temples and composed various tamizh verses about the same. These verses also give a description of Badri and Devaprayag and are recited in all Srivaishnava temples
Jul 14, 2020 11 tweets 2 min read
Since many are confusing this management model with Char Dham board, here is a small comparison of the two:
1. In char dham board, traditional stakeholders like Garhwal maharaja and pujaris dont even have a position in official admin committee. They only have 5 out of 18 seats in the nominated advisory committee. These 5 people will also be nominated by UKD govt, thus giving the govt a huge control over them.

In Padmanabhaswamy structure, advisory committee which has to frame policies and budget will totally be under Maharaja of Travancore
Jul 13, 2020 12 tweets 2 min read
This judgment actually reminds me of 1971 war. We have won but the victory is in such a manner that things can take a dangerous turn in the coming years Pros of the judgment:
1. The status of Padmanabhadasas has been established beyond doubt using covenant as the basis.
2. The Maharaja has an undeniable say in the administration
3. The tantri is the authority on religious matters
4. The temple will be administered on the basis..
Jul 8, 2020 24 tweets 5 min read
Though @tathagata2 has given a befitting reply to these motivated queries, I wish to add some more facts to show how SPM has been unnecessarily maligned all these years As stated by @tathagata2 in the reply section of the quoted tweet, the 1937 elections paved the way for a hung assembly in Bengal with cong being the largest party followed by Muslim league and Krishak Praja Party of Fazlul Haq
Apr 26, 2020 4 tweets 2 min read
This difference of opinion in the def of Hindu Rashtra between RSS and Syama Prasad Mukherjee made RSS to initially stay away from the political outfit created by SPM as per former Jana Sangh president Shri Balraj Madhok But since many local leaders of RSS joined hands with SPM and formed regional outfits of political party, the Sangh leadership decided to keep away its differences and jump into the bandwagon
Apr 23, 2020 4 tweets 2 min read
The way #ArnabExposesSonia diverted the attention from #PalgharMobLynching explains why no action is ever taken on Maa - Beta combo. Arnab isnt useful for Hindus as some are projecting him. The facts spoken by Arnab yest have been spoken a no of times by leaders like Jaya Arnab is no more than a sellout who shouts everyday as per the orders of his master. The BJP supporters accusing Hindus for stating this fact should remember how he carried out various meaningless hitjobs on BJP leaders like @SushmaSwaraj during his days in Times Now
Mar 11, 2020 16 tweets 4 min read
Since I see many libbies going around saying @JM_Scindia has betrayed the ideology of Madhavrao, I think it is time to rewind and think about how Madhavrao betrayed his own soul and a great soul in Rajamata Vijaya Raje Scindia under the pressure of Indira The path taken by @JM_Scindia is not new for both @INCMP & Scindia family. His grandmother Rajamata Vijaya Raje Scindia toppled the Congress govt of Madhya Pradesh as a revenge for her insult on stage by fellow congress leaders during the time when she was serving as an MP of INC
Mar 7, 2020 18 tweets 3 min read
The book "My People, Uprooted" of @tathagata2 also explains the need for NRC and the threat these Bangladeshi infiltrators, for whom the entire liberal opposition is worried about, posses for the Hindu majority of our country. Bangladesh had a huge number of ‘Bihari Muslims’. This community as the name states, consisted primarily of Muslims from Bihar, along with Muslims from the Eastern parts of Uttar Pradesh and assorted Urdu-speaking Muslims from West Bengal.
Mar 5, 2020 13 tweets 3 min read
This visit of @RahulGandhi to the riot-affected areas of Delhi reminds me of Gandhi's visit to Noakhali in 1946 post the carnage which made Hindus flee that area. Once again I will be quoting @tathagata2's "My People Uprooted" which has documented this visit of Gandhi in detail. Gandhi's trip to Noakhali brought the obscure area to the front page of every newspaper of the country, and is still celebrated as one of the great journeys undertaken by the apostle of peace to restore sanity among his fellow human beings
Mar 3, 2020 26 tweets 9 min read
While reading the portions related to Direct Action Day "My People, Uprooted: A Saga of the Hindus of Eastern Bengal" by @tathagata2, I was surprised by the similarity of the events of that riot with those of recent Delhi riots @tathagata2 The gameplan for the day of riots had been circulated among Muslims of the city by word of mouth. The pro-League newspaper ‘Dawn’ of Karachi on August 16, 1946 published an ad which gave a call to use of force as being the only way to achieve what the Muslims want
Dec 2, 2019 9 tweets 3 min read
How can a Matha be sealed only coz a bottle of cough syrup which is merely suspected to contain illegal substance is found in one of the rooms used by devotees? Was Leela sealed when Sunanda was murdered? Why punish a religious institution coz of the behavior of its consumers? This actually feels more like an act of vengeance considering the fact that the mahant of the punjabi Matha was one of the 2 mahants who went to SC busting the lies of Odisha govt's "Mahants have given their consent" stmt.
Oct 12, 2019 4 tweets 1 min read
For all those saying Shore temple is not a temple but a monument, you must know that Shore temple is one of the 108 divya desams (Vishnu Kshetrams). Sthala sayana swamy of shore temple has been worshipped by Thirumangai Azhwar. Various records also suggest that Pallava kings worshipped Sthala sayana before going to the battlefield. The shore temple was shifted to the current Sthala sayana swamy temple in front of Bhagiratha's penance (wrongly stated as Arjuna's penance) during Vijayanagara period
Sep 18, 2019 40 tweets 17 min read
As we are nearing the 1st anniversary of the great resistance put up by Hindus in #Sabarimala, I have decided to put out a thread to make people know abt the unsung heroes who had a greater role to play in defending the sanctity of Ayyappa's abode. After the success of #ReadytoWait movement in social media, prominent members of the movement in @kuvalayamala and @shilpamdas decided to join the Supreme court case for showing the perspective of Ayyappa devotees
Aug 29, 2019 185 tweets 57 min read
The eviction drive at Puri reached the historic Emara Matha today. The matha which stands as a testimony of Ramanujacharya's arrival at Puri and his influence on the traditions of the temple is not only a heritage building but also a sacred place of worship for Vaishnavas The matha which is believed to have been established by the disciples of Ramanujacharya and derives its name from Embar the cousin brother of Ramanujacharya. It is widely believed to be the place where Ramanujacharya stayed during his stint at Puri.
Jul 16, 2019 19 tweets 9 min read
Many including @ShefVaidya criticized the pvt authorities running #Padmanabhaswamytemple for the poor state of gaushala which hit the headlines last week. But no one noted that since the SC takeover of temple admin, the funds have stopped being utilized for dharmic purposes Leave alone funding the gaushala which is run by 3rd parties near its premises.. The temple could not even fund the Shankaracharya associated with its rituals, when he was thrown out of his matha
Jun 19, 2019 9 tweets 2 min read
In reply to a RTI filed by Shri @trramesh, TN HRCE gives only one tenth of the actual properties owned by a famous temple in South TN as the total amoumt of properties owned by the temple. After learning about the difference in amount of properties by comparing the list given in the RTI reply with previous records, @Ravilochanan86 and myself visited the temple with the motive to find the reason behind disappearance of temple properties in the current list
Dec 20, 2018 11 tweets 3 min read
Being a member of @People4Dharma and an active volunteer on ground for Pandalam nama japam procession which was organized on Oct 2, I can say that the role of BJP in supporting the devotees on the event conducted immediately aft the verdict was a big fat zero. Only certain local congress leaders showed their solidarity with the devotees during that event while there were rumors throughout the day of the event that BJP and RSS had ordered their cadre to stay away from the procession as they were favor of the verdict