Annie Ropeik Profile picture
climate journalist 🌱 bylines @energynews_us, @mainemonitor & more, helper @agwaterdesk, board @sejorg ⛅ ghost of public radio past 🪩 marylander 🦀
May 24, 2019 10 tweets 9 min read
major turnout for @PeteButtigieg's meet & greet in exeter, NH tonight. i'd guess a few hundred people at least won't get in - the line is down the block. (and there's a merch table!!) #fitn #nhpolitics fwiw, i've covered buttigieg, harris, inslee and gillibrand in #nhpolitics so far. pete definitely gets the most insta-clicks #onhere. (harris got a fair few too, but that was a few months ago.) the sign of a well-oiled social media machine, a focus from bots, both...? #fitn
Feb 13, 2019 5 tweets 4 min read
standing room only at likely the last @NRCgov hearing before relicensing seabrook nuclear plant. big crowd of IBEW union members from NH & MA supporting the plant; lots of locals with safety concerns. ~10 elected officials represented too. #nhpolitics #mapoli .@SenJeb & @ChrisEllms of @GovChrisSununu's office speak in favor of relicensing seabrook nuclear plant - they say it's a huge source of clean energy that supports local jobs and economies. #nhpolitics
May 24, 2018 17 tweets 7 min read
the orange vs. navy shirts are out in force as NH site evaluators decide whether to hear @EversourceNH's appeal for its #northernpass permit. #nhpolitics it comes just after a big court ruling that eversource hopes might change the power line's fortunes. #nhpolitics #northernpass…