Arya Profile picture
🎀AVP, 0.5x Engineer+AI, #SpacesHost Tweets- Life, AI, Management, Productivity Loves- Pets, Music, Sports, Tech, Business
Jun 6, 2022 13 tweets 5 min read
📍Top 12 tools you need to get started with technical writings and research papers most effectively. Exclusive Edition 🧵

#Researchpaper 1)
It is an interactive scientific writing platform that integrates to Jupyter and easily includes citations, references, equations and figures as well as export your work to any professional template in seconds for the perfect finish.
Jun 4, 2022 4 tweets 2 min read
Can somebody please help me fix RTKVHD64. sys BSOD error in Windows 11. If you have any suggestions drop them down below👇
#Bsod #Microsoft #Windows11 Image Screen is stuck at 100%. I tried to shut on and off but it's not working. tried pressing power button for like hundreds of times. Nothing works ;)