#KATSUKI: i gotta speak my truth, izuku | ar 45 | she/her 20
Apr 27, 2022 • 8 tweets • 2 min read
this is getting so out of hand that it's unbelievable. y'all are making it so hard for me to not speak up about this.
apparently the other mods of the bkdk disney week that weren't involved in the issue are getting "harassed" people are asking for them to apologize despite not
doing anything wrong. they aren't xenophobic and several of them clarified that they do not condone what ericheri, mal, and mira did. let's just get that out of the way.
i get that being bombarded with questions and wrongfully accused probably feels like shit and im sorry that
Apr 26, 2022 • 5 tweets • 1 min read
im so tired of this.
we just wanted a sincere apology but people keep making the issue about themselves and there are some that continue to make fun of us and mock us. there are even those that twist the whole situation and make us, the victims, into the villains by calling us
im not going to engage with this any further and i'm going to block everyone that invalidated my thoughts and sentiments about the whole xenophobia issue.
for the last time, balut in the philippines is not "just food" because it holds a lot of meaning to us. it's a
Apr 19, 2022 • 22 tweets • 5 min read
since it's bakugou day here's a thread of how class 1A will greet katsuki a happy birthday and how the birthday boy will respond to them 🧡💥 #爆豪勝己誕生祭20221. iida
Apr 18, 2022 • 20 tweets • 4 min read
#bkdk this is the first and only time i'll be making the dksquad the villains for this drabble but i swear it's gonna be good
Katsuki gave Izuku a pager and told him to click it whenever he needs him and he'll drop everything he's doing to go to him.
Izuku forgets about this when his friends start arguing about his relationship with the said blonde.
His heart was beating so fast and his hands started trembling due to how overwhelming the situation is. He needed to release the anxiety somewhere so he reached into his pocket.
"Oh! I'm so sorry, Mina! What was that?" Uraraka asked, getting out of the trance she was in seconds ago.
"Are you checking out Kiri again?" Mina questioned, giving her friend a teasing look.
disclaimer: this is ur usual cheerleader x jock trope! im not too familiar on how that works in japan so expect this to be westernized :"( super sorry!
Tipsy Denki with his cheeks flushed red and his eyelids a little droopy. The world was spinning in his eyes and his vision was slightly more narrow but he could still see that one person as clear as day.
Said person is Todoroki Shouto who was across the room.
The most beautiful specimen that Denki has ever laid his eyes on was taking curious sips of his drink and making the most adorable disgusted face every time after he does so.
"Wow, you're down bad." Sero laughs and Denki flicks him off.
Apr 16, 2022 • 11 tweets • 4 min read
Apr 14, 2022 • 14 tweets • 6 min read
#bnha#mha class 1A reacting to popular ships of them
disclaimer: these are aligned with my personal ships so if u dont agree w them then u are free to leave ❤️🔥❤️🔥❤️🔥
It started with a childish game called "Never Have I Ever."
"Never have I ever..." Mina hums as she thinks of the next words she's going to say. She's been swaying side to side for a while, probably due to the amount of shots she's been taking.
"...had my first kiss!"
Izuku takes a shot.
"Deku! You've had your first kiss? When?" Ochako exclaimed in surprise, which caught the rest of their classmates attention.
Everyone else, especially the girls, started bombarding the poor man with questions.