Nagesh bansal Profile picture
Aug 29, 2021 8 tweets 4 min read
Where would you like to travel once #Covid19 gets over?
Here are 6 travel planner right inside your @NotionHQ


#30daysofNotion #Day4 #notion 1. [FREE] From the beginning to the end of your travel planning. Create a board for research and inspiration, track to-do lists, manage budgets, journal, or track your language learning - by @NotionMolly…
Aug 28, 2021 10 tweets 4 min read
Getting Things Done(GTD) is method to capture, triage and organize the various tasks activities in your life. Here are the @NotionHQ templates that will help you to GTD !

#30daysofNotion #Day3 #notion 1. [PAID] The Tasks Hub is a robust and integrated system for scheduling and tracking your tasks, to-do's and habits. Check this one out and get going - by @DavidKiriakidis…
Aug 27, 2021 9 tweets 4 min read
For today, we will look at the best Financial Planner templates built on @NotionHQ and how Notion can be used to save your 💵.

#30daysofNotion #Day2 #notion 1. [FREE] This simple personal finance tracker by @whizzzoe…