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Apr 1, 2023 10 tweets 3 min read
I'm going to be losing my Blue Check sometime in the near future based on the ever-evolving pronouncements from the Chief Twit. So let's pour one out for the latest exhausting change and slow dissolution of this platform. 🫗 (1/8) I got the badge in an old fashioned way, while eating lunch at Twitter's old San Francisco office during my time at @TheOnion. I was having a meeting with my then-boss @michaelgreer. And an employee just said, "Hey we can verify you if you want. Clearly you're you." So I did. 2/8
Jun 25, 2022 88 tweets 16 min read
On May 15, I wrote these reflections on the leaked overturning of Roe v Wade in @PuckNews. I'm gonna blow up my timeline with a thread largely sharing the piece. Quote it. Meme it. Print it out and burn it to start a revolution. Full piece is here… The promise of the United States has been our commitment to liberty and justice for all. The practice of the United States, of course, has been our commitment to liberty and justice for SOME.
Jan 9, 2021 11 tweets 2 min read
Thread. Here's 3 minutes of me on @11thhour with @Bwilliams last night talking about Black people consistently showing up for America and demanding Republicans do the same. Now is the time. Keep reading thread if you prefer text version of the words The transcript of my remarks in this video:
Sep 15, 2020 4 tweets 1 min read
I Hate
May 29, 2019 5 tweets 4 min read
My @TEDTalks is live! In it I transform the tragedy of #LivingWhileBlack headlines into something beautiful. Please watch, share, and consider supporting. I'm so proud of this.…

"How to deconstruct racism one headline at a time" @TEDTalks Some additional resources to share. First, I make a LOT of assertions in the talk about police behavior and specific incidents. I tried hard to support everything with footnotes, so here you go!…
Apr 30, 2019 5 tweets 2 min read
As an early, loud ambassador I too thought there‘d be a physical US base & was confused & disappointed to discover otherwise. This message is a good acknowledgment of error. I’ll stay a member to see how the founding principles are applied cause I still want/believe in the model But if anyone joined b/c of me AND a belief this org would operate a physical US office and feels duped or disappointed by that absence, i understand and offer my own apology. Request a refund from The Correspondent which they promise to process “right away” and lmk if they don’t
Apr 18, 2019 49 tweets 12 min read
This could take hours, days, or maybe I won't ever make it to the end, but this begins my final PDF breakdown of Robert Mueller's work on behalf of our U.S. democracy. 448 pages. starting with the cover. Volume 1 of 2?? They already promising sequels? How George RR Martin-esque! page 2 is blank. reminding me of my childhood book reports I wanted to make so nice and beautifully formatted. I remember trying to get those plastic bindings to loop through and mostly i just went with a binder clip. I wonder if Mueller used the plastic loopies.
Jan 25, 2019 46 tweets 16 min read
It's friday and Robert Mueller has dropped indicted Roger Stone which means another PDF which means it's time for me to walk through this document amateur legal style... I'm so excited. My PDF reader has never gotten so much use as when American democracy is being undermined Like all good stories, this one opens with an introduction to major events and characters in the drama, reminding us that the DNC and DCCC were hacked and made this known in June 2016. Shortly after, Organization 1 aka Wikileaks starts releasing waves of stolen goods
Jan 4, 2019 11 tweets 8 min read
I have tried to use my voice for good, but I've lived and spoken a good long while without shining a light on the heinous behavior of R Kelly. I've listened to his music and stepped in the name of abuse. That ends now. The 6-hour #SurvivingRKelly series includes over 50 interviews and began last night, continuing tonight and tomorrow. Check it out
Nov 6, 2018 5 tweets 2 min read
Longest midterm line I ever experienced. #ElectionDay #blackmenvote #VotingWhileBlack #dressupfordemocracy It was actually exciting to stand in line. Things were a little confusing with our New York ballots and the large number of people. But it was dope to see neighbors helping each other navigate the process.
Oct 2, 2018 10 tweets 2 min read
Basically, Donald Trump benefitted from welfare. The kind American culture celebrates instead of vilifying and criminalizing. Our entire system is upside down.… The more I think about it. The more it works. Donald Trump is a welfare recipient. He got massive amounts of cash subsidies from his father, but that was only possible by cheating the government. So essentially Trump lived off of taxpayer money his entire life.
Sep 27, 2018 7 tweets 2 min read
Taps twitter mic. Thread comin' #KavanaughHearings The Daily today helped me understand that the GOP wants to see #KavanaughHearings as a trial so the standard of “beyond a reasonable doubt” will assure he walks. But Democrats (and I) see this as a job interview, not a trial.
Sep 1, 2018 4 tweets 2 min read
Dear @marcorubio, “total lunacy” is a US senator using his voice to criticize a movie he hasn’t seen while remaining silent over visible violations of the Constitution by the executive branch. Senator @marcorubio’s failure to speak out against child kidnapping, emoluments violations, and attacks on law enforcement by this president is a disservice at a time when our people need reminders that we are a nation of laws that apply to all.
Aug 6, 2018 10 tweets 1 min read
Russia. Turkey. Hungary. She would be an asset to any authoritarian regime really. @RadioFreeTom also corporations. Big evil ones that profit off of jailing kidnapped children for example, or manufacturing weapons and promoting them via compromised political organizations. Or poison makers. She would do really well at a poison manufacturer.
Aug 5, 2018 6 tweets 3 min read
taps twitter mic... We must step up and keep up the fight to Stop Kavanaugh from joining the Supreme Court. Trump may be bad at keeping his marital and financial commitments but he's great at keeping his worst political commitments. #BlockBrett…
Jul 17, 2018 10 tweets 2 min read
iPhone X cellular data just stopped working. Removed and reinserted SIM. Powered off and on. Did soft reset. Reset network settings. Called carrier. Still down. Is full device reset recourse? Update: I can get to but that’s it. I think that’s the future they want. “Why would you need to go anywhere else??” I hate conglomerates.
Jul 17, 2018 5 tweets 2 min read
Just woke from a weird dream in which a republican US president took the side of a KGB Officer over his own intelligence community in full view of the global media and was allowed to return home right after and sleep in the White House. Crazy stuff. Good morning everyone! A lot of people are saying I didn’t dream that. It really happened?? And the KGB officer is also the Russian president who poisoned people in America’s number one ally recently and kills his own journalists and continues to wage cyber warfare attacks against the US right now.
Jul 16, 2018 18 tweets 10 min read
testing... A great sadness of the 2016 election: our ideas have gotten smaller. We must spend energy on how many children the government can kidnap rather than create a dope future. But there's good news...
Jul 15, 2018 36 tweets 12 min read
testing.... Previously on The Mueller Files...
Jul 1, 2018 4 tweets 1 min read
Can we start calling the cops on people who call the cops on black people who are just living their lives? When you involve police in a situation, you are involving potential use of deadly force. It’s time we start making clear that calling the police is something like calling in a drone strike.
Jun 20, 2018 10 tweets 3 min read
The @GOP won’t stop this madness. They made their deal and doubled down a dozen times: access Hollywood, Muslim ban, McCain insults, russia, that weird Space Force thing?? That party has abdicated. So we do the job they are unwilling to. We lead. We defend the constitution... We hold power accountable. And we replace the GOP with workers willing to do the job. Probably immigrants. In the meantime, life for those selling out america must become very uncomfortable