belligerenuk Profile picture
was here for #loveisnottourism but for my relationship, Germany's exemptions came too late.
Oct 5, 2020 10 tweets 3 min read
After seeing a bunch of well-meant but increasingly irritating advice that some of us, the #loveisnottourism - communitiy, received & still receives, I decided to share something too.
Why can't we just break up with those partners and move on and make everybody's life easier? Why are we insisting on making our own lives hell?

Maybe this will shed some light: Have you ever gone through a breakup but you did not want to? That you did not feel relieved but broken?
This is, to some extend, what we've been dealing with for more than 7 months.
Sep 27, 2020 4 tweets 3 min read
I can relate so much.
Having a binational relationship is hard as it is, distance, cultural aspects & the little things in life, also if you plan 2 live together, one or both must make huge sacrifices.
My bf&I are frequently experiencing the same issues described in this thread. Because slowly, the hope is dying.
#mentalhealth #MentalHealthMatters #MentalHealthAwareness
Sep 14, 2020 4 tweets 2 min read
(1/4) Ich hätte eigentlich nicht gedacht, dass ich mich dazu äußere, aber die Parallelen sind einfach zu krass, wie hier mit Menschen umgegangen wird.
Herr Alter @BMISprecher, ich glaube, Sie haben schon gemerkt, dass die jüngste Kommunikation echt nicht gut lief. So gar nicht. (2/4) Was haben denn privilegierte Deutsche, die so gut gestellt sind, dass sie im Ausland jemanden kennen und lieben gelernt haben & ja augenscheinlich alles haben & deswegen nur auf ganz hohem Niveau jammern (niemand hat sie schließlich gezwungen, ...