Bert Hofman(郝福满) Profile picture
Adjunct @nuseai National University Singapore. non-resident senior fellow MERICS and ASPI. Opinions my own.
Donghyun.Kim Profile picture 1 subscribed
Jul 18 17 tweets 4 min read
@XHNews just released the Communique of the long-awaited third plenum of the 20th central committee of the Communist Party of China.… The Communique is about as long as that of the 18th Party Congress--around 5000 characters. Of course, as is usual, it is loaded with party jargon, and contains few specific reforms. More specific reforms could be in the "Decisions" document that is likely to be released in
May 19 15 tweets 5 min read
I presented at the RCEP Think Tank Alliance meeting at the China Institute for Reform and Development in Hainan. Image I talked about how global trade tension is affecting RCEP. Though I am pessimistic on the former, the outcome for RCEP may not be all that negative. In particular, the trade tensions have intensified the China -ASEAN cooperation. The story for Japan and Korea is less clear. Image
Apr 9 11 tweets 2 min read
Important views on overcapacity:

China believes that:
Firstly, the issue of overcapacity should be viewed within the context of economic globalization, adhering to market economy principles and the laws of value. The so-called "overcapacity" is a manifestation of the market 1/n mechanism at work, and supply and demand balance is relative, with imbalance often being the norm. This can occur in any economy operating under a market economy system, including historical instances in the U.S. and other Western countries. Solutions to these issues primarily 2/
Mar 9 28 tweets 9 min read
Very pleased to see this @nuseai @AsiaLeiden publication on the consequences of US-China decoupling out:…
Image The report focuses on business strategies to deal with US-China decoupling. The uncertainty that the thread of decoupling creates has spill-over effects for companies around the world. Governments can help companies by (i) providing clear policies for their own companies with
Feb 2 15 tweets 5 min read
The @IMFNews just published its annual review of #China's economy. It projects GDP growth to dip below 4 percent by 2026.…
Image The IMF projects total social financing to continue to grow as a share of GDP to top 320 percent by 2028. The government's augmented debt (including most Local government financing vehicles and government guided funds) to top 143 percent by 2028. Image
Oct 27, 2023 12 tweets 2 min read
Sad to learn the news of Li Keqiang’s death. I first met Li Keqiang when he was governor of Liaonign province. Then several times as part of world bank delegations when he was vice premier and premier.

He always struck me as very committed to China’s development, intellectually curious, with a highly sophisticated understanding of the Chinese economy and how China could learn from international good practice in economic management. 

Together with world bank president Bob Zoellick he presided over the Bank’s first joint report with the DRC, “China 2030”
Apr 4, 2023 4 tweets 2 min read
China now has a net inflow of scientists. In contrast, the US, which greatly benefited from talent inflow in the past, saw an outflow in 2021. Data from @OECD A remarkable turnaround for the EU as well. Their growing science funding programs are an attraction for many!
Apr 2, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
"For China, it has taken some time to understand the issue of debt sustainability in a multilateral context, because there are many institutions in China that are part of the solution. But China has engaged very constructively with the new global sovereign debt roundtable."…
Mar 5, 2023 42 tweets 9 min read
It is #lianghui day, or in other words, the opening session of #China's National People's Congress (#NPC). Later today I will be live tweeting premier Li Keqiang's government work report and commenting on it along the way. For now though, it is @MeetThePress with Chinese Characteristics for the New Era:
Dec 6, 2022 11 tweets 3 min read
Xi Jinping delivering the eulogy, just like Jiang Zemin did for Deng Xiaoping in 1997 and Hua Guofeng for Mao Zedong in 1976. Jiang's widow Wang Yeping in attendance.
Oct 16, 2022 56 tweets 10 min read
Party time this morning: The Communist Party of China (CPC) kicks off its 20th National Party Congress (二十大) today with 2296 delegates in the great hall of the people in Beijing. On the program this morning: the General Secretary's report to the Congress. I will be watching from Singapore, and will live tweet some of Xi Jinping's speech and comment on it as it happens.
Oct 14, 2022 11 tweets 4 min read
New @WorldBank report: #China's Climate and Development Report.… A Thread with a sumary.

China’s transition to the committed carbon neutrality will require decarbonization at a lower income level and
at a faster pace than other major economies. Image At the same time, China must succeed, as it is now by far the largest greenhouse gas emitter, and its per capita emission levels is considerably higher than the EU, Japan, and other comparators. Image
Jul 28, 2022 13 tweets 3 min read
The government is aiming for a RMB 1 trillion bailout of the property sector. Aside from the good questions raised in this article, the bigger question is whether this will only worsen the incentives in the property sector. If everybody gets a bailout--developers, buyers, banks --this risks perpetuating the misallocation of capital that has been plaguing China for some years now. Property and infrastructure have accounted for a growing share of total investments in China, which has been a key cause of the decline in productivity during the past decade.
May 5, 2022 20 tweets 16 min read
@Noahpinion @adam_tooze Many thanks for @Noahpinion's reply and great additions to this debate. Obviously, how fast China can grow is important--for China, for the world, and for US-China competition--so getting this right is Some of Noah's remarks will need more work, but let me give some 1/n @Noahpinion @adam_tooze reactions here. First, at the risk of sounding like a cop-out, I do not necessarily see my "comprehensive reform scenario" as the most likely, so I am not necessarily an optimist. True, I would want China to pursue a number of these reforms, but am not at all sure it will.
Apr 28, 2022 32 tweets 11 min read
I had a great time presenting at the @FairbankCenter last night on the topic "How Fast Can #China Grow?" Thanks to Winnie Yip for hosting and moderating and to @YashengHuang and @WilliamHOverhol for their great comments. China has set itself ambitious goals for the "New Era." President Xi Jinping's 2035 target implies a growth rate of some 4.8% per year on average. The 2050 goals suggests it wants to be the largest economy in the world by then-a position it had until 1870, when the US took over
Apr 6, 2022 6 tweets 2 min read
@ADB_HQ Projects China's growth to fall short of 5.5 percent target. For 2022 it projects 5 percent growth in GDP and 4.8 percent next year.…
Apr 6, 2022 13 tweets 4 min read
World Bank projects China will fall short of 5.5 percent growth target. Its 2022 baseline projection is now 5 percent, with a downside scenario of 4 percent growth.… COVID restrictions are the main chokepoint for China's growth, but the country would have sufficient macro policy space to boost growth.
Feb 1, 2022 5 tweets 1 min read
A tax on real estate has been much debated in China. It can be a good source of income for local governments, which could reduce their high debt levels and cover more spending. Some have also raised the tax as a tool for common prosperity. China does tax property at a level 1/ Comparable to that of OECD countries. But Chinese households do not pay any real estate tax (or "recurrent taxes on immovable property" as the OECD parlance goes). Even if the Chinese authorities manage to introduce a real estate tax for household s(and that is a big if) 2/
Jan 28, 2022 30 tweets 7 min read
IMF Article IV document. Staff projections see growth below 5 percent this year and stabilizing att around 5 until 2026.… Image
Oct 4, 2021 33 tweets 4 min read
Meaningful reforms in China remain elusive. Neither dialogue nor enforcement through WTO changed China's policies. Phase 1 agreement included a limited set of commitments. It stabilized the market, but there have been shortfalls. Reality is that it did not address the fundamental issues we have with China.
Oct 4, 2021 5 tweets 1 min read
US TR Katherine Tai: "Increasingly clear that China's plans do not include reforms to address the concerns of the US and others." Tai recites the US domestic agenda--including the "buy American" policy.