Mycelial Gallery, Cardano Content Creation, Atrium Lab, and Bloom.
No financial advice.
Jul 23, 2024 • 8 tweets • 2 min read
I just received a letter in the mail today.
I am being summoned in a New York Bankruptcy Court by Celsius Network LLC.
They're trying to claw back HUNDREDS of THOUSANDs dollars that I withdrew before the collapse. Their goal is to take the money I initially deposited.
This sets a horrible precedent for our entire industry. I was a user of this platform, I deposited my own funds, and I withdrew my own funds.
A precedent is being set here, that users of crypto platforms(depositers), adopt liability for any malicious activity a company preforms.
May 23, 2023 • 9 tweets • 5 min read
🧵Staking Baskets
Staking Baskets are a new way to stake $ADA to decentralize #Cardano.
Staking baskets are created by @atrium_lab, in collaboration with @MLabs10.
Anyone can create a Staking Basket on Âtrium, to delegate to any x number of pools! 👇
Our first Staking Basket is called Diffusion.
Diffusion will delegate to 50 different #Cardano single stakepool operators chosen by the $ADA community!
For delegating through Diffusion, users will earn their $ADA rewards + $Atrium tokens.
May 9, 2023 • 15 tweets • 9 min read
Atrium 🧵
Atrium is an application that will aggregate the entire #Cardano blockchain into one accessible experience that teaches you how to use it.
We will onboard millions of users to $ADA, write open-source smart contracts we can all use, and set the standard for UI/UX.
Decentralized protocols we all use on #Cardano rely on on centralized front-end application to swap, buy NFTs, and take out loans.
These protocols need an alternative front-end to further decentralize #Cardano. We're building this into an application even your grandma can use.
Jan 26, 2023 • 11 tweets • 4 min read
1/#Cardano $DJED Thread - Everything you need to know!
$DJED is an algorithmically backed $USD stablecoin on the #Cardano blockchain launching next week.
There's more to $DJED than having USD in your wallet. You can be paid $ADA for contributing to the protocol.
2/#Cryptocurrency is volatile by default. Having stablecoins allows you to diversify away from cryptocurrency without having to use real dollars in a centralized exchange.
$DJED is backed algorithmically by having an over-collateralized amount of $ADA in a smart contract.