Texas State Rep (#HD10). Native Texan. Aggie. Husband. Father of 4. Former small biz owner, HHS Chief of Staff, Trump and Bush Admins. Believer in freedom.
Mar 26 • 12 tweets • 3 min read
🚨WARNING / CONTENT ADVISORY: Yesterday in a @UTAustin library I saw a table prominently displaying this pamphlet: "NON-MEDICAL TRANSITION RESOURCE GUIDE."
I stole it.
One of the most disturbing things I've ever read.
Gets more shocking with each page.
Note the stamp at the bottom.
This is how the Texas government is spending your tax dollars.
Mar 25 • 25 tweets • 7 min read
🚨The Texas government hosted a transgender conference at @UTAustin today... so, naturally, I snuck in.
What I found will shock you.
The Texas Government is promoting a radical, liberal agenda... with your tax dollars.
Prepare to be furious.
First thing I see on campus is a banner promoting "TRANSCENDENCE: A Century of Black Queer Ecstasy"
Jun 2, 2023 • 5 tweets • 2 min read
🧵The #txlege House is technically in session since our Sine Die resolution needs Senate concurrence, which has not occurred. Since we failed to pass a serious border security bill or return most of the surplus to Texans through property tax cuts, we should get back to work. 1/x
In addition to those failures, my constituents are justifiably furious that the House prioritized impeaching the Attorney General and growing government more than ever in our state’s history instead of... 2/x #txlege
Jul 10, 2022 • 6 tweets • 2 min read
🚨 BREAKING and OUTRAGEOUS: The Biden Administration is officially considering a Public Health Emergency (PHE) in response to #RoeVsWadeOverturned. As the person who coordinated the last PHE (even snapped this photo of it being signed), I have a few thoughts... 🧵 (1/x)
For the HHS Secretary to declare a PHE, there must be a finding that a disease, disorder, significant outbreak of infectious diseases, or bioterrorist attack exists. PREGNANCY IS NONE OF THESE...
Jun 20, 2022 • 5 tweets • 4 min read
🚨BREAKING: CMS just EXEMPTED officials hired to enforce their vaccine mandate...from the vaccine mandate! My office obtained the memo. Stunning hypocrisy. These mandates must end. #txlege
Biden's COVID mandates are not about public health, but about federal government control of our lives. They must end, and it's why I filed the Texas COVID Vaccine Freedom Act in #txlege.
Madam Vice President & Team Biden – to borrow the words of a great American President, “There you go again” spreading #misinformation about the Trump Administration’s vaccine plan – going so far as to deny its existence. #plandenier