Michael Burge Profile picture
I'm reading a book instead. Author of TANK WATER (@MidnightSunOne) and THE WATCHNIGHT (Out Sept 2025 from @HistriaBooks) 🏳️‍🌈
Mar 29, 2021 62 tweets 24 min read
1: It's time to claim my space. I was one of just a few journos who held @AndrewLamingMP to account prior to 2021. I lived in Bowman from 2012-2017 and I reported on him via @margokingston1's @NoFibs. AN EVOLVING THREAD on #Laming #LGBTQ equality #Journalism #Books and more. 2: It began in 2013 when I submitted an article on #MarriageEquality to Margo's #CitizenJournalism news site @NoFibs. Up until then, the site had not really covered that issue, which mattered a lot to me. @MrKRudd had just announced his support for reform: nofibs.com.au/burgewords-on-…
Apr 23, 2019 25 tweets 6 min read
1: It's time to say it: Despite Twitter's outrage about #Watergate Barnaby Joyce is still likely to win #NewEnglandVotes. A thread for pragmatists ⬇️ 2: I live in the electorate of #NewEnglandVotes. I was born on Kamilaroi Country into a family that settled in the region 150 years ago. Shop owners and graziers, my mob aren't special. If I were to analyse the family tree I'd find plenty of rusted-on Nat voters.