Dr Charlotte Chivers Profile picture
Research fellow @CCRI_UK @uniofglos. Nature-friendly farming, soil health & water quality. Works on ELM T&T, @SprintH2020, @minagrisEU, CaSTCo
Sep 29, 2020 26 tweets 14 min read
The @uk_aspen webinar on the future of the UK countryside is about to begin! Featuring a wide range of speakers including @NFUtweets @Natures_Voice @CPRE @CLAtweets @van_griffiths @EnvAgency @Minette_Batters

I'll be live-tweeting the session in this thread #agrichat 1/? Sounds like a huge range of topics will be covered in this session including climate change, Covid, trade deals, supermarkets, biodiversity and more! @uk_aspen
Jul 9, 2020 10 tweets 5 min read
Looking forward to this morning's webinar from
@NEFERTITI_EU on 'How to produce your own farm video to enhance knowledge exchange', particularly as I've carried out some research on this topic myself. I'll be live-tweeting for anyone who was unable to make it along :) #farming Starting off with @tombas60, who has been involved in over 500 agricultural videos (wow!) and has discovered that they can be a powerful tool for knowledge exchange @NEFERTITI_EU
Jun 10, 2020 23 tweets 12 min read
Whilst interdisciplinary work is enjoyable & exciting, it is also challenging and difficult. It is, however, vital due to the unprecedented times we face e.g. due to climate change, pollutants, flooding, Covid-19, equality/equity... @NicolaBeaumon17 @ValuingN #interdisciplinarity If we are going to be transformative in how we work then we HAVE to step outside of our comfort zones and bring these disciplines together to truly tackle some of these huge problems we face @NicolaBeaumon17 @ValuingN #interdisciplinarity #AcademicTwitter
Jun 3, 2020 63 tweets 21 min read
The @ciwem webinar on nature-based solutions and the ELMs scheme has begun! I'll live-tweet key points in this thread. #agriculture #elms First of all, we're hearing from Gareth Morgan from the @SoilAssociation who is going to try discuss whether farming itself can be a nature-based solution #britishfarming
Sep 23, 2019 4 tweets 2 min read
I didn’t go to private school but would never judge anyone who did (if you’re in a position to give your child the best, ofc you’re going to). Having gone to a (pretty terrible) school, I do, however, feel disadvantaged around the privately educated for a no of reasons 1/? I therefore think that the system must change: all kids should have the same opps regardless of their parents’ wealth; no-one should grow up feeling inferior because their parents didn’t earn enough. Scandinavia = best education in the world & no private schools #privateschools
Jan 4, 2019 6 tweets 3 min read
Farmers gathering round to learn how to do a slake test from @soilhealthexprt @sectormentor #orfc19 #ORFC19 Image 1) Place a sieve of soil into a bowl of water for 1 min. Floating = lots of air = indication of high organic matter #orfc19 #soilhealth