Christopher A. Longhurst, MD Profile picture
Chief Clinical & Innovation Officer @UCSDHealth, Professor and Associate Dean @UCSDMedSchool, Exec Director @InnovationUCSDH; views=mine, RT≠endorsement
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Sep 24, 2023 16 tweets 8 min read
Dr. Joseph Simone first published a set of maxims for understanding academic medical centers in 1999. They are so fundamental we often don’t know when we are stealing Joe’s lines.

Learn more about these famous aphorisms 🧵 (1/16) Image Joe first published "Understanding Academic Medical Centers: Simone’s Maxims" as a Clinical Cancer Research editorial in September 1999 🧵 (2/16)

Jan 7, 2022 4 tweets 3 min read
1/ COVID (San Diego) Chronicles - Jan 7, 2022

A possible sign of good news this morning? Our 7-day rolling average @UCSDHealth dropped for the first time to 14.1%. Patient, employee, and student rates are all down, tracking with @NMartinUCSD models

2/ Staffing continues to be a huge challenge with 730
@UCSDHealth health employees newly diagnosed with COVID in the last 7 days; we are managing day-to-day thanks to heroic team members stepping up to help
Jan 6, 2022 5 tweets 4 min read
1/ COVID (San Diego) Chronicles - Jan 5, 2022

As we exceed 800 patients hospitalized with COVID across @SanDiegoCounty and 8000+ new cases just yesterday (!) how high will we go, and what's next?

A 🧵... 2/ According to @NMartinUCSD, who gave me permission to share her latest model, we will hit peak cases soon, but could see 1500-2500 hospitalizations across San Diego. My guess is that we will not exceed the 1800 of last winter, but time will tell 🏥🔮
Jan 3, 2022 6 tweets 4 min read
COVID Chronicles - Jan 2, 2022

@SanDiegoCounty has over 600 individuals hospitalized with COVID - 2nd highest in the state (see…). We are on a steep trajectory and will soon surpass the peak of last summer's hospitalizations. Why?🧵 2/ First, South Africa and the UK saw fewer hospitalizations with their omicron surge, but ~25% of local cases are still delta according to data from @K_G_Andersen, so we are experiencing a twindemic of sorts.
Dec 31, 2021 9 tweets 7 min read
1/ COVID (@UCSanDiego) Chronicles - Dec 31, 2021

Remember 2 weeks ago when the wastewater signal predicted an "unprecedented" COVID surge? This is what it looks like @UCSDHealth today 📈

Unroll for NYE predictions for January (bad) and 2022 (good) 🔮

2/ Based on the steep rise and fall of the omicron surge in South Africa, many are predicting the same here. I am less optimistic because the @SanDiegoCounty surge is still ~25% delta, which will drive a longer duration with more hospitalizations 🏥

Dec 29, 2021 5 tweets 5 min read
COVID (@UCSanDiego) Chronicles - Dec 29, 2021

1/ Y-axis changed just in time for a record high 638 positive tests (16% positivity rate) and a record high >10% 7-day rolling average @UCSDHealth 2/ We are beginning to see a spike in #COVID19 hospitalizations @UCSDHealth, which reflects infections from early or mid-December

Dec 27, 2021 7 tweets 5 min read
COVID (@UCSanDiego) Chronicles - Dec 27, 2021

1/ As predicted, the omicron variant continues to drive a huge surge in infections with over 14% of @UCSDHealth tests returning (+) the last few days, driving our 7-day rolling average to a record new high for the entire pandemic🦠 2/ We have not seen an impact on hospitalization @UCSDHealth yet, although this is always a lagging indicator. We do expect to see patients with omicron (especially unvaccinated patients) admitted for COVID in the coming days and weeks
Dec 16, 2021 4 tweets 3 min read
1/ COVID (@UCSanDiego) Chronicles - Dec 16, 2021

Omicron is here in @SanDiegoCounty. Over 25% of recent COVID (+) tests @UCSDHealth now appear likely to be this new variant (pending final sequencing)

Omicron rapidly overtook delta in south Africa, and we expect the same here 2/ @UCSDHealth will use sotrovimab (VIR-7831) for high risk patients with early Omicron infection based on in vitro studies predicting ↑ effectiveness compared to other mAbs in the setting of all the Omicron mutations (h/t Dr. Shira Abeles)…
Sep 1, 2021 6 tweets 4 min read

1/ "Resurgence of SARS-CoV-2 Infection in a Highly Vaccinated Health System Workforce" published today in @NEJM details ↓ in vaccine effectiveness against INFECTION among @UCSDHealth employees - from 95%+ in the spring to 65% in July

👉🏽… 2/ Our contact tracing team (led by @DrLucyEHorton) found virutally all known exposures were in the household or community. Few @UCSDHealth employees (mediage age 39) required hospitalization, but each is out 10+ days, creating staffing challenges, as well as additional exposures
Jul 26, 2021 15 tweets 10 min read
1/ COVID (@UCSanDiego) Chronicles - July 26, 2021

I had hoped to be done with these when I wrote the last one ~100 days ago, but the rate of positive #COVID19 tests @UCSDHealth is back to almost 4%, near the winter surge peak. So here we go again...🧵 2/ Fortunately, the number of patients hospitalized with #COVID19 @UCSDHealth is still relatively low at 22, but the uptick is worrisome, particularly with @SanDiegoCounty hospitalizations >200 again for the first time since March
Jan 16, 2021 17 tweets 13 min read
1/ COVID (@UCSanDiego) Chronicles - Jan 16, 2021

Are we turning the corner on the surge? Read on to explore hospital, regional, and statewide data 📉

Plus vaccines, vaccines, and a puppy 🐶 2/ Some good news as case rate data @UCSDHealth is clearly declining this week.

This may be partly a result of the thousands of @UCSanDiego students returning after the holiday break…
Jan 4, 2021 15 tweets 11 min read
1/ COVID (@UCSanDiego) Chronicles - Jan 3, 2021

Happy new year #Twitterverse🎇

Lots to share in the first thread of 2021 🧵

Read on for some thoughts about hospitalization numbers, vaccine timing, and the predicted baby bust 🚼

And two small rewards at the end... 🐕 2/ @UCSDHealth has hit a temporary equilibrium with census relatively stable ~7 days. Today we have 127 inpatients hospitalized for #COVID19 including 40 in the ICU, 31 on mechanical ventilators, and 7 on ECMO circuits
Jul 27, 2020 7 tweets 5 min read
1/ COVID (@UCSanDiego) Chronicles - July 26, 2020

Let's talk about #COVID19 contact tracing...almost 27k #COVID19 cases in @SanDiegoCounty, and county staff can NOT keep up. Despite hiring >200 contact tracers, just 10% of cases are now investigated within 24 hours! 2/ Contact tracing works great for sexually transmitted infections, but does not scale well for a pandemic caused by a respiratory disease spread by airborne droplets. So what should we do? Hire more contact tracers?…
Jul 23, 2020 10 tweets 8 min read
1/ COVID (@UCSanDiego) Chronicles - July 23, 2020

@UCSDHealth is now caring for 51 inpatients with #COVID19 including 21 on vents and 5 on ECMO. These individuals come from all over southern California, particularly @SanDiegoCounty and @ImperialCntyCA

ImageImage 2/ In a bit of bright news, with just 16 positive PCR results in the last 24 hours, the 7 day rolling average @UCSDHealth decreased to ~21 positive tests/day. This rate of ~2.3% is now the lowest across @UofCAHealth

Jul 6, 2020 9 tweets 7 min read
1/ COVID (@UCSanDiego) Chronicles - July 5, 2020

As we end this holiday weekend @UCSDHealth is caring for 47 inpatients with #COVID19. Overall @SanDiegoCounty bed capacity is fine with 382 total inpatients, though will be watching closely for an ↑ in based on recent data. 2/ The amazing @UCSDHealth #SARSCoV2 results team is monitoring >100 patients at home or in public health temporary housing. This is the highest # of people monitored in home isolation in a single day. It is also 10x higher than baseline monitoring responsibilities 6 weeks ago.
May 28, 2020 9 tweets 10 min read
1/ COVID (@UCSanDiego) Chronicles - May 27, 2020

A lot to share, starting with data: 35 inpatients @UCSDHealth w/ #COVID19, including a record 24 on vents (68%!) and 5 on ECMO. New admissions continue to be border-related from both @SanDiegoCounty and @ImperialCntyCA 2/ “It’s amazing how this disease has taught us that borders don’t exist” said Adolphe Edward, @ECRMC CEO, in this thoughtful @washingtonpost article (note @UCSDHealth tele-critical care specialist @VenkteshR in the reflection!)…
May 20, 2020 9 tweets 9 min read
1/ COVID (@UCSanDiego) Chronicles - May 19, 2020

Big news day: hospitals in neighboring @ImperialCntyCA - including @UCSDHealth affiliate @ECRMC - are on "COVID diversion" as volume has skyrocketed in the last 24 hours… 2/ Listen to @ECRMC CEO Adolphe Edward describe the situation below. I know multiple agencies are coming to help; @UCSDHealth has already shared PPE, vents, nursing training, and ED support, and will do more if the @ImperialCntyCA crisis escalates…
May 3, 2020 12 tweets 11 min read
1/ COVID (@UCSanDiego) Chronicles - May 3, 2020

Lots of news commentary today but first, data: 28 inpatients @UCSDHealth for the second morning in a row (8 on vents); the relatively steady number belies busy admit/discharge activity 2/ @UCSDHealth hit a milestone yesterday with over 10k tests performed. Yesterday just 4 of 540 #SARSCoV2 PCR results were positive, and serology results still ~2%. @SanDiegoCounty added 131 new cases for a total of 3,842.
Apr 5, 2020 4 tweets 6 min read
1/ COVID (@UCSanDiego) Chronicles - with support from @UCSDHealth CEO Patty Maysent and @UofCAHealth EVP @carrie_byington, now sharing daily #COVID19 insights: 21 COVID patients in our hospitals, with 5 on vents - reflecting trend since federal emergency declaration on March 13 2/ Now 1209 #COVID patients in @SanDiegoCounty with 228 hospitalizations and 89 patients requiring intensive care - shout out to our colleagues @ScrippsHealth @sharphealthcare @KPSanDiego and elsewhere #HealthcareHeroes…
May 15, 2019 5 tweets 2 min read
1/ Very excited to publish EHR satisfaction data from 72,000 clinicians across 156 provider organizations at - result of a great partnership with @TAYLORatKLAS and the @KLASresearch #ArchCollaborative 2/ Less than 20% of all variation in EHR user satisfaction was explainable by the EHR in use, with over 50% of variation explained at the physician user level