Crudehead🛢 Profile picture
Oil analyst formerly known as Lord Crudehead: funder of hedges; professional drinker of your milkshake. #OOTT
Oct 11, 2022 • 7 tweets • 3 min read
1) This is a crazy op-ed. It is simplistic, short sighted &
just wrong.
Seems the author just wanted to extoll the benefits of LNG and corkscrewed that into a narrative of how LNG is contributing to the defeat of Putin.

The author misunderstands energy markets.
#OOTT 2) "Gas is becoming a buyer’s market"

Eh no.
TTF: $45/mmbtu & JKM: 34/mmbtu. So gas is certainly not a buyer's market right now nor in the immediate future.
Gas is pricing to conserve itself.
No matter what "burst of gas transforming markets this autumn".
Mar 4, 2022 • 7 tweets • 3 min read
🚨Sorting the 'Russian Invasion' in five not-so-easy-steps...

#OOTT Step1: Sign and deliver the Iran deal. Expect 800kbd back on the market over the next six months (should be more). Iran has 40-50mln bbls of crude #oil sitting on the water in any case. Once Iran is back then the sequencing can being…

Sep 29, 2021 • 8 tweets • 4 min read
1/ 'Now is the winter of our [energy] discontent'...

There is an energy crisis in every major consuming area of the world - except North America.

The only fix is price...and 'winter' hasn't even started yet.

#OOTT 2/ Europe must price out #gas to conserve it for the depths of winter. Renewables are unreliable and even if it wants to burn coal there ain't much available.

Europe must push on gas-to #oil: any liquid will do once its cheaper than $27/mmbtu!
Sep 13, 2019 • 7 tweets • 8 min read
1/Here is why you [the market] and the @IEA have got it wrong on #IMO2020.
This is what a 'little disruption' may entail....
#OOTT @IEA 2/ #IMO2020 crunch time for #oil product balances coming in Dec/Jan not Apr20 (as per IEA). No @IMOHQ derogations/no delays. Market is telling us so as prompt HSFO cracks collapse.
Mar 22, 2019 • 8 tweets • 5 min read
1/#IMO2020 is the most significant change to the global refining complex in my lifetime (..however I'm a millennial..sort of) #OOTT 2/#IMO2020 is all about getting rid of ~3.0mln bbls/d of #oil demand and creating ~3.0mln bbls/d of new supply #OOTT