Christoph C. Cemper 🧡 AIPRM Profile picture
Founder & CEO of | LinkResearchTools | Link Detox®
Jan 29, 2023 5 tweets 3 min read
So many people discussing the #YandexLeak ranking factors, missing out on (part2)


Code clearly states what it means:

"the factor shall not be used anywhere, but it is still computed and may be present in existing formulas"

Yet, many discard these factors.
1/ The there's the additional factors.
Many just base their analysis on a single file shared by @searchmartin ca. 48 hours after the actual leak, and not the leak itself

You can't judge a software system with 100 Gigs source code based on 1 text file :)

Jan 29, 2023 4 tweets 3 min read
So many people discussing the #YandexLeak ranking factors.

But I think what's missing is a clear separation off static vs. dynamic factors.

It's tagged nicely in there.

TG_DYNAMIC depends on query

TG_STATIC does not depend on query

#yandex #seo

Second most important critera is the impact scope of any of those Factors ("modifiers")

depends on document

depends on host

depends on owner

depends on query only, not document


Jan 29, 2023 4 tweets 4 min read
The #YandexLeak is a "political" statement.

All the 100 GB files in the source code archive seem to have the same file date - Feb 24, 2022 - when Russia started its invasion of Ukraine.

It's a subtle hint that Putin will not get control over Yandex.

#yandex #yandexleak

1/4 That leak was an inside job, a highly privileged user - someone as powerful as the legendary "Matt Cutts" of Google...

So "political" means, for me, some kind of "defense" against the Putin regime having too much say in Yandex...

#yandex #yandexleak #leak #Russia
