Christian Bluth Profile picture
Economist at Bundeskanzleramt and @EUI_GlobGovProg. Tweeting on economic policy in private capacity.
Jun 16, 2021 62 tweets 32 min read
In exactly one month, I'll be leaving Bertelsmann Stiftung and start a new challenge. But before I leave, I would like to (re-)share some of the highlights of my work over the last five years. So join me for a little time travel and lots of still relevant research! When I joined @GED_Tweet in 2016, the #trade world seemed still ok: the WTO still had the Appellate Body, TTIP was a political priority, Brexit had not happened and Trump was still an unlikely presidential candidate. Lots was going to change...
Feb 18, 2021 13 tweets 4 min read
The #EUTradeReview is out. Is it fit for purpose? What is good, what is not and what is missing? A quick thread to sort my thoughts. (1/13) I like the beginning of it: #geoeconomics is making the #trade world riskier and reinforcing the rules base system is a good idea to create more stability. (That's also what I argue in my book on EU #trade strategy which you find here:…) (2/13)
May 30, 2020 11 tweets 3 min read
Two days ago, I travelled from Heidelberg, Germany to Florence, Italy for work. I'm struck by how different things are in the two countries. Given that few people have the opportunity to travel these days, I thought I might share my impressions in a short thread. (1/11) #CoVid19 First, why did I go back in the first place? We all know that the CoVid crisis was much worse in Italy. As an economist, I am used to relying on statistics to interpret the world. The ratio of cases per inhabitants in Tuscany is 0.0027. In Baden-Württemberg, it's 0.0031. (2/11)