CODEPINK Profile picture
Feminist grassroots organization working to support peace & human rights & end U.S. wars & militarism.
Harmaly's Profile picture 1 subscribed
Jun 29 7 tweets 3 min read
This year, NATO celebrates 75 years of its war-making existence.

How does NATO support genocide against Palestinians?

(THREAD) Image On the same day that Israel destroyed Beit Hanoun hospital, NATO Secretary General vocalized its support for the colonial occupation. Image
Jun 14 7 tweets 2 min read
As US leaders claim they want an end to Israel's "war" in Gaza, they continue to arm and support Israel's war crimes and human rights violations.

Here are a few recent examples: (THREAD) June 14: A child shows US munitions fired from an Israeli tank in a now destroyed neighborhood in Gaza.
May 27 5 tweets 2 min read
Congress is attacking nonprofits standing against genocide.

A new bill would remove nonprofit tax-exempt status for organizations they see as supporting “terrorism”.

Here's what you need to know & how to stop it: The bill would allow the Treasury Secretary to suspend the nonprofit tax-exempt status for “terrorist supporting organizations”.

This is a direct attack on groups supporting Palestine and challenging the US support of genocide.

UNRWA is also a clear target of this bill. Image
Mar 15 10 tweets 3 min read
This weekend, we’re taking action for St. Patrick’s Day in honor of the shared struggle of the Irish and Palestinian people against colonialism and occupation.

(THREAD) Image What do Palestine & Ireland have in common?

A little over a hundred years ago, Ireland was a British colony. Before 1948, so was Palestine.

The Irish were brutally colonized for 800 years, lands taken from them, and their culture and language attacked.
Oct 5, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
There has been some confusion about an image that was taken w/ CODEPINK volunteers & Rep. Marjorie Taylor Green. MTG opportunistically approached our volunteers in a parking lot on the Hill and she requested they take a photo together (1/4) our volunteers weren’t sure how to respond & immediately reached out to us about what happened after the fact. This picture was not initiated by our organization. (2/4)
May 22, 2023 5 tweets 2 min read
STATEMENT: We strongly condemn the deplorable actions of some of the protesters @medeabenjamin's book tour event on Friday, May 19 in Minneapolis, an event cosponsored by the local Veterans for Peace and Women Against Military Madness (WAMM).… ~15 protesters  gathered outside the event, chanting slogans such as “Medea Lies, Ukrainians Die.”
The most aggressive protestor, Kieran McKnutson, was screaming at Medea that she was a Putin apologist & then grabbed her cell phone while she was attempting to film the situation.
May 6, 2023 10 tweets 3 min read
How has Charles III been fuelling war & imperialism?
(THREAD) Image Today, the British King is crowned. The royal family enslaved, waged war, formed an empire, and extracted and decimated colonies.
May 4, 2023 11 tweets 4 min read
MAY 4TH, 1970:
Four unarmed students were killed at Kent State University during a protest against the US war in Vietnam & Cambodia. (THREAD) Image On May 1, 1970, 500 students gathered at Kent State (along with many others across the country) to protest Nixon's announcement of the invasion of Cambodia.
Kent students buried the constitution to denounce the lack of congressional approval of the invasion. Image
May 3, 2023 14 tweets 6 min read
ICYMI: This morning CODEPINK's @medeabenjamin and Tighe Barry told @SecBlinken to #FreeAssange and seek #JusticeForShireen at a #WorldPressFreedomDay event where he mentioned neither of them. Assange has been in prison for years in London while fighting extradition to the United States.

His "crime"? Publishing the truth about US operations in Iraq, Afghanistan, Gitmo, and all around the world.
May 3, 2023 4 tweets 2 min read
BREAKING: CODEPINK, joined by students and peace activists, gave faux Venezuelan president Juan Guaidó the welcome he deserves at the Wilson Center.

NO ROOM FOR PUPPET PRESIDENTS IN DEMOCRACY! “Guaidó is responsible for calling on the U.S. to directly intervene, even militarily, against his own people, for organizing a failed invasion of mercenaries and a failed coup, both in 2019. There is nothing democratic about Guaidó."…
Mar 26, 2023 13 tweets 4 min read
Why is the government banning TikTok? It’s not about privacy. The US, Canada, & European Commission banned TikTok on govt devices. There’s mounting pressure on Biden to ban the app. Former FCC Commissioner Brendan Carr expressed concern over data sharing w/ China, but advocates for closer ties w/ Taiwan…
Mar 24, 2023 12 tweets 5 min read
☢️Larry Fink, CEO of BlackRock, the world’s largest asset manager, issued his annual letter last week.
Fink continues to make misleading statements & pass the buck on the huge financial power he wields to weapons & fossil fuel companies.
Here are a few examples: 🧵 Image Fink says:
"I’ve long believed that it’s critical for CEOs to use their voice in the world – and there’s never been a more crucial moment for me to use mine.” Image
Mar 19, 2023 13 tweets 3 min read
20 years ago, a US-led coalition invaded Iraq, under the false claim that Saddam Hussien’s government was manufacturing weapons of mass destruction🧵

CONTENT WARNING: torture, violence, death.
Over 1,000,000 Iraqis were killed, another 9,000,000+ were displaced, and some 2,000,000 were disabled. People were killed directly by violence, and others by stress-related heart attacks, ruined sanitation, or lack of healthcare because of war.
Mar 18, 2023 24 tweets 16 min read
TODAY IS THE DAY! Hundreds of organizations are coming together for #PeaceInUkraine and against endless US wars!

If you’re in DC come join the CODEPINK contingent! Just look for our team by the big pink wheelbarrows. Watch this space for live updates throughout the day… Runners, walkers and drivers agreed with us this morning.

If you do, join us in the streets TODAY to call for an end to all wars, $$$ for people & planet, #PeaceInUkraine #ChinaIsNotOurEnemy #Iraq20YearsOn, & more!
Feb 18, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
B*rthright is propaganda🧵 B*rthright is a free, 10-day trip offered to young Jews (18-32), to visit Israel and the Golan Heights. The goal is to manufacture a connection and a sense of ownership over the land.
Oct 26, 2022 12 tweets 4 min read
Starting yesterday, 10/25, the US-funded National Endowment for Democracy (NED) is co-hosting the “Global Assembly of the World Movement for Democracy (WMD)” in Taiwan. Let’s take a look at what the NED’s presence in Taiwan means for democracy and peace. (spoiler: it’s not good) First, some context.
China has been a founding member of the United Nations since 1945. At the time, the country was also in the midst of a civil war at that time. At the end of the war, the Kuomintang government, Republic of China (ROC), faced defeat and retreated to Taiwan.
Oct 14, 2022 9 tweets 5 min read
Why do weapons companies have more power than working people in the US?

In the latest from @stephensemler in @jacobin, he explains how the military-industrial complex gets its power. Here are some of his key points: 🧵… Currently, military spending continues to reach all-time highs, with Biden's Pentagon budget topping Reagan's. 2/…
Sep 22, 2022 6 tweets 2 min read
The bravery of Kurdish and Iranian women demanding justice for #MahsaAmini is remarkable. We stand with them as they fight for equality and freedom for the women of Iran.… As we witness this struggle continue, it is imperative we resist any and all moves from the US and other Western powers to unilaterally intervene to secure their own interests. Women bear the harms of sanctions and war more than anyone else.
Sep 22, 2022 7 tweets 3 min read
This week at the UN General Assembly, leaders from across the Americas made strong stands with the people of Cuba and Venezuela against US economic and political warfare.🧵 "The only legitimate sanctions are those imposed by the Security Council to enforce decisions taken to maintain international peace and security... Argentina calls for the lifting of the blockades imposed on the people of Venezuela and Cuba"
- @alferdez 🇦🇷
Sep 11, 2022 23 tweets 6 min read
21 years ago today the US used the tragedy of 9/11 to launch the “War on Terror.” There’s countless costs of this predatory use of people’s fear and grief to justify war. We look at 21 costs of war.🧵 1) @CostsOfWar estimates that the death toll of the global “War on Terror” is 900,000 lives lost. Of course the number is much greater when considering more indirect deaths from displacement, deprivation, and instability US intervention created.…
Feb 11, 2022 8 tweets 2 min read
CODEPINK condemns the Biden administration’s decision to give $3.5 billion in Afghan assets (half the amount currently frozen in the US Federal Reserve Bank) to 9/11 families.

Here’s why ⬇️ 🧵 Afghan funds do not belong to the US.

For the US to give away assets that rightfully belong to Afghanistan is tantamount to theft. Full stop.