Colin MacKay Profile picture
Interested in municipal + provincial politics, education, sports and US politics. Enjoy: Golf, NBA, NHL, AHL and taking photos.
Jul 31, 2020 21 tweets 11 min read
Pg10 sick kids ‘Smaller class sizes should be a priority strategy as it will aid in physical distancing and reduce potential spread from any index cases.’ Think Ford/Lecce chose to ignore this, for elementary, from sick kids updated report. #onted #onpoli Pg15 sick kids ‘Attention should be paid to improving classroom ventilation in consultation with experts in physical plant design and modifications.’ Was this mentioned by Lecce/Ford. Any money for this? Listening to teachers, this is a huge issue. #onted #onpoli
Dec 23, 2019 9 tweets 5 min read
Hundreds, at a minimum, of educational workers have lost their jobs this year due to increased class sizes. Ford wants another 14% increase. More will lose their jobs. #onpoli #onted The government bargaining team has no authority! Imagine that. Good grief. Basically all they can do is accept the government’s cuts. Add in Illegal Bill124 and it’s almost impossible to make progress despite Ford’s governments claims. #onpoli #onted
Dec 15, 2019 16 tweets 8 min read
$4.2 Billion in tax cuts. Who pays for the loss of revenue in Doug Ford’s Ontario? Students lose as investment in education is cut. Per pupil funding down $54. Local priorities funds cut $232 million. Ford solution: scream broke! Cut educational workers. #onpoli #onted Important to note that Ford has increased debt from $318 Billion to $360 Billion. It’s self-inflicted. Scream they are broke to pay for tax cuts. Loss of revenue is offset by removing public service workers. Services decline. They hope no one notices. #onpoli #onted