Cosmos Hub ⚛️ Profile picture
Interchain service provider in @Cosmos and home of $ATOM
Dec 5, 2024 9 tweets 2 min read
1/ Hydro's second pilot round starts tomorrow.

Here’s everything you need to know 👇 Image 2/ Some of the caps have been increased for the second round:

• The Hydro-wide cap goes from 20,000 to 30,000 locked ATOM
• The Hydro PoL is increased from 200,000 to to 300,000 ATOM
• The per-wallet cap is remains at 200 ATOM
Nov 6, 2024 10 tweets 3 min read
1/ Hydro is starting its inaugural pilot round today 🌊

Here’s everything you need to know 👇 Image @demexchange @WhiteWhaleDefi @dropdotmoney @Shade_Protocol @NolusProtocol @margined_io @neptune_finance 2/ You can participate in Hydro using your staked ATOM, without giving up any of your staking APR. You lock your ATOMs, vote for a project, and earn a share of its tribute while still earning staking rewards.
Oct 17, 2024 7 tweets 2 min read
1/ The Cosmos Hub voted in favor of the Liquid Staking Module (LSM) with Prop 790.

The LSM provides useful features but it is a maintenance burden and its security has recently become a concern.

@informalinc and @ATOMAccelerator are addressing this issue 🧵👇 2/ A recent Coindesk article revealed that the original LSM version had input from North Korean IT workers. This information was not previously shared with Informal.
Sep 19, 2024 5 tweets 2 min read
1/ Hydro is coming soon for the benefit of all ATOM holders.

And you won’t need to unstake to earn extra rewards. Hydro’s tributes come on top of the staking APR!

Here's how it works 🧵👇 Image 2/ Start by staking ATOM

First, ensure that your ATOM is already staked externally.

The UX will guide users to:

1. Convert staked ATOM to LSM shares
2. Transfer LSM shares to Neutron
3. Lock LSM shares in Hydro
4. Get Voting Power 🗳️ Image
May 3, 2023 7 tweets 4 min read
1/ Cosmonauts, Neutron is coming ✴️

Prop #792 ‘’Launch Neutron on Replicated Security’’ has strong support with over 99% YES votes.

It’s time for a deep dive 🧵

This is what @Neutron_org is about to bring in the Atom Economic Zone 👇 Image 2/ Neutron is a permissionless CosmWasm platform.

Smart-contract applications can be deployed on Neutron without being whitelisted via a governance vote.

By adopting Hub’s security, Neutron will be Cosmos' most secure CosmWasm platform.
May 2, 2023 4 tweets 2 min read
An ATOM-aligned ecosystem set to share value and grow the interchain economy is emerging ⚛️

The Atom Economic Zone is entering the bootstrapping phase!

Participate by voting on the 3 on-chain proposals opening a new #ATOM era:

#790: LSM 💧

#792: Neutron ✴️

#794: Stride 🌊 Image #790 is a signaling proposal to replace the staking, distribution, and slashing modules on the Cosmos Hub with variants that regulate liquid staking. These variants are collectively called: the Liquid Staking Module (LSM).

The proposal has strong participation and support:……
Mar 21, 2023 5 tweets 2 min read
Mar 21, 2023 4 tweets 2 min read
1/ Cosmos Hub Governance is more active than ever!

In the last months we saw an increasing number of draft props and forum activity.

This is the sign of a thriving decentralized community.

It also enlights the need for a specialized channel for governance.

Meet @CosmosGov ⚛️ 2/ @CosmosGov will cover all major aspects of Cosmos Hub governance.

It will provide governance summaries, analysis, retrospectives, guidance through the governance process, relevant information to decision-makers,  and suggestions to keep the community updated and involved.
Mar 6, 2023 6 tweets 5 min read
1/ For too long Cosmonauts have been lost in space, seeking home!

Exciting times are ahead with Replicated Security…

We need a place to speak #ATOM, find #Alpha and explore new Consumer Chains.

Introducing the #AtomZone ⚛️

The first #ATOM centric community call🔥 2/ This is not an ordinary community call.

The #Cosmos community is passionate, curious and ever-expanding!

We need a place that embodies the Cosmos Culture for the years to come.

A home to seek updates, meet fellow cosmonauts and discuss the future of the Cosmos Hub.
Feb 27, 2023 11 tweets 4 min read
1/ Replicated Security is a much-awaited @CosmosHub feature!

Coming with the Lambda Upgrade, currently in voting period.

Considering the importance of this upgrade for #ATOM future...

Today’s thread will address community feedback, starting with Validator Cost & Slashing 👇 2/ Validators will need to run all consumer chains that are approved by governance or face downtime slashing. This is essential to preserve the high-security properties of Replicated Security.

Some are concerned about the cost of running additional consumer chains.
Feb 20, 2023 13 tweets 4 min read
1/ Cosmonauts! You may have heard that Replicated Security is coming…

By staking #ATOM you will receive multiple new tokens from upcoming Consumer Chains.

The Cosmos Hub is transitioning to become an Interchain Service Provider.

So, in detail, what is Replicated Security? 2/ Replicated Security is a new upcoming feature of the Cosmos Hub, that will be introduced with the Lambda Upgrade (V9).

Originally named Interchain Security (ICS), specifically Interchain Security V1.

As of today the correct term to use is Replicated Security.
Jan 27, 2023 4 tweets 2 min read
Who’s ready for @cosmoshub upgrades?

The team will soon propose the Rho upgrade (v8) to governance, followed by the Lambda upgrade (v9) a few weeks later.

👇 2/
The Rho upgrade of the @cosmoshub will primarily be a bug fix. The upgrade is currently being deployed to a testnet.

We can expect the Governance proposal, to approve the Rho upgrade, to go live in the coming days.
Sep 24, 2022 17 tweets 7 min read
In the summer of 2016, @jaekwon & @buchmanster released the @cosmos whitepaper - a new philosophy of blockchain design that transformed the way the world thinks about building, operating, and connecting blockchains.

@cosmoshub was a cornerstone of this vision.

A refresher🧵 Image 2/
The whitepaper was defined by the creation of the Cosmos philosophy and technology stack, the launch of the Cosmos Hub, and the early adoption of IBC.

Sep 13, 2022 7 tweets 4 min read
Interchain Security, built by @informalinc, is a game changing feature to look forward to, allowing the @cosmoshub to share security with other blockchains. Today we look at the feature and it’s roadmap in detail 👇 Image 2/
Interchain Security will provide security to other chains through validation. In a technical sense, the Cosmos Hub validator set will have the ability to validate other blockchains, called consumer chains, alongside the Cosmos Hub.