DISABLED MEGAMOUTH ♿🏳️‍🌈 🏳️‍⚧️ally Profile picture
Disabled people are as important as anyone else. We deserve happy lives whether you like it or not. Invisible disabilities matter too.
Jun 2, 2023 11 tweets 2 min read
The Nazis used to pump out propaganda to convince ableds that disabled people were an economic burden. On posters, on radio, in films and even school text books.

Then the Nazis murdered disabled people en masse, the first minority to be killed in a large scale programme. The Start of systematic killings in the Holocaust was the extermination of the disabled. Aktion T4. Indeed the use of gas chambers to kill en masse began with the disabled.

Other methods included lethal injection and interestingly, starvation.

I say interestingly, because
May 31, 2023 6 tweets 2 min read
For 13 years #disabled people have been waging war on the #Tories using the courts. They've had to organise, plan, raise funds and (because of illness and some disabilities) put themselves in harms way physically and mentally due to stress. All of this has been done with little to no support from

The unions
Left wing parties
The Left wing media
Jeremy Corbyn
Left wing Labour MPs
Able-bodied Left wingers.

By a strange coincidence a lot of the above have spluttered about the Tories but done no actual fighting.