Christoph Ströck Profile picture
Soon, people will look back in disbelief at what has happened to patients with #MECFS and #PAIS |
Kimberly Hicks Profile picture 1 subscribed
Dec 30, 2023 4 tweets 2 min read
The continuing worsening of my health & other unavoidable issues surrounding my care make it impossible for me to keep up with X. For me, this is a definite goodbye from this platform. The account will remain online, my family or caregivers might write a post here or there. I am very grateful to too many people here to name, so I won't even try to single out some. I will not give up on living to the best of my abilities for as long as I can. I am sure better days for people with #MECFS are on the horizon. I want to be a witness of that change,
Dec 26, 2023 5 tweets 1 min read
One of the more intriguing anecdotes I have is from before I became seriously ill with #MECFS. My long-term massage therapist mentioned that, having touched muscles of many thousands of patients, mine felt highly peculiar and weird to him – 'doughy,' he described. What is

What is even more interesting is that he said the same thing about my brother, who also has #MECFS, but not about the other one who happily remains healthy to this day. We were not deconditioned at that point in time, quite the opposite. Years later I found Dr. Ramsay

Aug 29, 2023 5 tweets 1 min read
The complex underpinnings behind the horrific situation and stigma faced by #MECFS & #Longcovid patients are deeply rooted. This issue is multifactorial, involving medical, societal, and systemic factors that have perpetuated the challenges patients endure daily.

To me, it's evident that the medical system's failures (from a moral standpoint) weigh heaviest in this crisis. The dismissal and misdiagnosis of patients is all-pervasive and most professionals are 'guilty' of perpetuating the stigma to some degree. MD's coming to understand

Dec 23, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
There are some interventions that I am confident had a slightly positive impact on my #mecfs. Kefir is one of those.

There are risks involved, though, some people react badly. Unfortunately there is no way of telling whether it helps you before trying.

If you give it a go, don't use the single-strain industrial version but the natural "living grains" you can buy at a farmers market. Kefir grains are a mixture of lactic acid bacteria, yeasts, and acetic-acid bacteria, a living organism.

Oct 26, 2022 9 tweets 3 min read
If your experience of prodromal or early phase #mecfs and #longcovid is like mine, your mental realm will be plagued with (possibly severe) depersonalization, derealization, and brain fog. In my case, these phenomena were so intense I was 100% certain I

must suffer from a rare form of psychosis (i.e.,one without overt hallucinations or delusions). This happened to me almost a decade before #SARSCoV2 entered the stage. #Mecfs was defacto unheard of; brain fog was understood as "pseudoscience," standard lab tests were normal.

Oct 7, 2022 8 tweets 4 min read
I have a strong feeling that many #POTS patients are in effect in a prodromal phase of #mecfs. Not all #POTS patients will end up with #mecfs, but almost all #mecfs patients had #POTS either before (often unknowingly;"anxiety") or early in their #mecfs course./1 Often these patients with POTS that later develop #mecfs fall into the #hEDS category. Their descent into #mecfs is often but not always triggered by infections or, more generally, inflammatory events (surgery, accidents,..). We don't know what #hEDS is exactly but at /2
Sep 6, 2022 4 tweets 2 min read
We patients are so entrenched in the #mecfs and #longcovid reality we sometimes forget the immensity and absurdity of the situation: the vast majority of the medical field is unaware or dismissive of the idea that post-viral disease (worldwide prevalence ≈ 0,5%) is a real issue. It is mindboggling how far-reaching the implications of this are. How unlikely is such an event? Think about it, post-viral diseases have been an issue forever - how could it be any different, so how can this still be an issue?