Dominik Lenné Profile picture
Studied physics @TUBerlin in a former life. We got to emit 0 (in words *zero*) GHGs. I do support Ukraine with money.
Nov 11, 2022 10 tweets 5 min read
@abclimate @citizensane1 @janrosenow @foresightdk @annagumbau @whatmatterspod
Just listened to a discussion on district heatin networks DHNs on…
Some takeaways from me:
* the #EU is woefully anware of the importance of the heating question in general and-> -> the importance of district heating networks in particular
* this is mirrored by the fact, that in the #repowereu scheme, 8.5 bio € are earmared for it while 210 bio € would be appropriate
* DHNs are much more efficient in primary energy use than every building burning ->
Mar 9, 2021 11 tweets 11 min read
@BrigitteKnopf @PIK_Climate @Bruegel_org @GeorgZachmann The article could be more readable and I don't find everything in it logically convincing.
Basically, the authors propose a much more complicated double cap system, then eliminating the cap of the cap system by introducing price limits, then proposing a couple of patches to -> @BrigitteKnopf @PIK_Climate @Bruegel_org @GeorgZachmann -> deal with the problems arising from those modifications.
The core topic is the long overdue introduction of fossil fuels for heating and transport into the #EUETS.
The main problem here being the difference in abatement costs for the two large sectors electricity/industry ->