On This Day in Simpsons History 🇺🇦 Profile picture
#OnThisDay in #TheSimpsons history, Simpsons-related news and memes. NOT AN OFFICIAL FOX/DISNEY ACCOUNT. Run by @neilarsenty, founder of @woohootriviaCHI.
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Mar 5 5 tweets 2 min read
The amount of memes and pop culture moments this episode has generated alone could feed a small country (if memes were edible). A THREAD. Idiomatic use of the phrase "say the quiet part loud" to mean to reveal an opinion usually expected to be kept from the public, derived from Krusty's line in the episode, gained wide currency in the 2010s, chiefly in political discourse.
Oct 7, 2023 15 tweets 5 min read
#OnThisDay #OTD #30YearsAgo October 7, 1993, "Cape Feare" (S05E02) first aired on the Fox network. Dir: @_rich_moore. Wr: @jon_vitti. EP: @AlJean & @MikeReissWriter. Guest-starring @KelseyGrammer as Sideshow Bob. #TheSimpsons 🧵 Wally Wolodarsky had seen the 1991 version of Cape Fear and pitched the idea of spoofing the film. Instead of using the spoof as only a part of the episode, which could have contained a B-story, the entire episode was devoted to this parody. Image
Sep 25, 2023 8 tweets 4 min read
#OnThisDay #OTD September 24, 1995, "Radioactive Man" (S07E02) first aired on the Fox network. Dir: Susie Dietter. Wr: @JJSwartzwelder. EP: @DaveMirkin. Guest-starring Mickey Rooney as himself and Phil Hartman as Troy McClure and Lionel Hutz. #TheSimpsons @JJSwartzwelder @DaveMirkin "Radioactive Man" was the first episode to be digitally colored. The duties of that task went to USAnimation, who would later work on "The Simpsons 138th Episode Spectacular". The show would not permanently be digitally colored until Season 14.
Apr 26, 2023 8 tweets 9 min read
#OnThisDay #OTD April 25, 1999, "The Old Man and the 'C' Student" (S10E20) first aired on the Fox network. Dir: @markk1914. Wr: @ScullyThacker. EP: @scullymike. Guest-starring Jack LaLanne as himself. #TheSimpsons @markk1914 @ScullyThacker @scullymike This was the first Simpsons episode Julie Thacker wrote. The plot was based on a "disastrous" school program, in which students had to participate in community service to advance to the next grade. The B-story, which involved Homer selling springs, was conceived by Mike Scully. Image
Apr 25, 2023 15 tweets 17 min read
#OnThisDay #OTD April 25, 1991, "Lisa's Substitute" (S02E19) first aired on the Fox network. Dir: @_rich_moore. Wr: @jon_vitti. EP: @canyonjim, @simonsam & Matt Groening. Guest-starring Dustin Hoffman as Mr. Bergstrom. #TheSimpsons @_rich_moore @jon_vitti @canyonjim @simonsam This was the first episode of the show to have the opening sequence start at the driveway scene.
Apr 23, 2023 4 tweets 2 min read
#OnThisDay #OTD April 23, 1989, "Family Therapy" first aired on The Tracey Ullman Show on Fox. Wr: Matt Groening. Animation: @tubatron & Wes Archer. #TheSimpsons @tubatron
Apr 23, 2023 12 tweets 20 min read
#OnThisDay #OTD April 23, 1992, "The Otto Show" (S03E22) first aired on the Fox network. Dir: Wes Archer. Wr: @Interbang1Jeff. EP: @AlJean & @MikeReissWriter. Guest-starring @MJMcKean & Christopher Guest. #TheSimpsons @Interbang1Jeff @AlJean @MikeReissWriter @MJMcKean Otto's full name is revealed for the first time in this episode and to feature the character in a prominent role. Writers @JayKogen and Wallace Wolodarsky had originally wanted to name him Otto Mechanic, but the animators gave him the last name Mann. (This shot looks like "Mang") Image
Mar 16, 2023 11 tweets 17 min read
#OnThisDay #OTD March 16, 1997, "Homer vs. the Eighteenth Amendment" (S08E18) first aired on Fox. Dir: Bob Anderson. Wr: @JJSwartzwelder. EP: @thatbilloakley & @Joshstrangehill. Guest-starring @TheDaveThomas as Rex Banner and @JoeMantegna as Fat Tony. #TheSimpsons @JJSwartzwelder @thatbilloakley @Joshstrangehill @TheDaveThomas @JoeMantegna The riot scene in "Homer vs. the Eighteenth Amendment" reuses animation from the riot scene in Season 5's "Bart's Inner Child." This animation was also reused in "Lisa on Ice" prior to this episode.
Mar 14, 2023 4 tweets 3 min read
It looks like this Sunday - for the first time in the show's history - @AlbertBrooks is reprising one of his Simpsons characters: Jacques. For those keeping score, Brooks has guest-starred as a different character in 9 different episodes as well as the movie. #TheSimpsons Image @AlbertBrooks Brooks almost reprised fan-favorite Hank Scorpio for The Simpsons Movie, but the staff dropped the idea of using Scorpio and created the original character of Russ Cargill instead. Image
Feb 22, 2023 5 tweets 9 min read
#OnThisDay #OTD #25YearsAgo February 22, 1998, "The Last Temptation of Krust" (S09E15) first aired on Fox. Dir: Mike B. Anderson. Wr: @Donick. EP: @scullymike. Guest-starring @jayleno, Bruce Baum, Janeane Garofalo, Bobcat Goldthwait, @StevenWright, & @HankJr. #TheSimpsons @Donick @scullymike @jayleno @StevenWright @HankJr Mike Scully said that the writers had difficulty getting Krusty's offensive bad jokes through the network censors. The stereotypical jokes were allowed because the writers convinced them that viewers would understand it was simply emphasizing Krusty's dated comedic material.
Feb 22, 2023 5 tweets 7 min read
#OnThisDay #OTD February 21, 1999, "Marge Simpson in: 'Screaming Yellow Honkers'" (S10E15) first aired on the Fox network. Dir: @markk1914. Wr: David M. Stern. EP: @scullymike. Guest-starring Hank Williams Jr. as the Canyonero singer and @JohnKassir as Possum. #TheSimpsons @markk1914 @scullymike @JohnKassir The road rage film which Chief Wiggum shows during the road rage class was originally titled "Screaming Yellow Honkers". The road rage film was originally to have been presented, of course, by Troy McClure, but voice actor Phil Hartman died the previous year.
Feb 21, 2023 10 tweets 13 min read
#OnThisDay #OTD February 21, 1991, "Oh Brother, Where Art Thou?" (S02E15) first aired on the Fox network. Dir: Wes Archer. Wr: @Interbang1Jeff. EP: @canyonjim, @simonsam & Matt Groening. Guest-starring @DannyDeVito as Herb Powell. #TheSimpsons @Interbang1Jeff @canyonjim @simonsam @DannyDeVito Danny DeVito was suggested for the role by Simpsons executive producer Sam Simon. DeVito had to record his lines quickly because he had another appointment, so the staff focused on recording only his scenes while he was there.
Feb 20, 2023 24 tweets 52 min read
#OnThisDay #OTD February 20, 1992, "Homer at the Bat" (S03E17) first aired on the Fox network. Dir: Jim Reardon. Wr: @JJSwartzwelder. Guest-starring EP: @AlJean & @MikeReissWriter. #TheSimpsons #Baseball #MLB @JJSwartzwelder @AlJean @MikeReissWriter "Homer at the Bat" features @rogerclemens, Mike Scioscia, Don Mattingly, Steve Sax, @STLWizard, @ChickenMan3010, Darryl Strawberry, Ken Griffey Jr., @JoseCanseco and musician Terry Cashman. Image
Jan 14, 2023 9 tweets 10 min read
#OnThisDay #OTD January 14, 1996, "Two Bad Neighbors" (S07E13) first aired on the Fox network. Dir: Wes Archer. Wr: Ken Keeler. EP: @thatbilloakley & @Joshstrangehill. #TheSimpsons @thatbilloakley @Joshstrangehill The episode features the first appearance of Disco Stu. Originally designed as a withered, old, John Travolta-esque figure, he was to be voiced by Phil Hartman. However, when the animators remodeled him, Hartman was not available so @HankAzaria took over the role.
Jan 14, 2023 15 tweets 19 min read
#OnThisDay #OTD #30YearsAgo January 14, 1993, "Marge vs. the Monorail" first aired on the Fox network. Dir: @_rich_moore. Wr: @ConanOBrien. EP: @AlJean & @MikeReissWriter. Guest-starring @TheRealNimoy as himself and Phil Hartman as Lyle Lanley. #TheSimpsons @_rich_moore @ConanOBrien @AlJean @MikeReissWriter @TheRealNimoy Conan O'Brien (pictured here at the Simpsons writers' offices in 1992) conceived the idea when he saw a billboard in Los Angeles that just had the word "Monorail" on it, with no other details or explanation.
Jan 14, 2023 20 tweets 20 min read
#OnThisDay #OTD January 14, 1990, "Bart the Genius," the first non-holiday episode of #TheSimpsons, aired on the Fox network. Dir: @tubatron. Wr: @jon_vitti. EP: @canyonjim, @simonsam and Matt Groening. @tubatron @jon_vitti @canyonjim @simonsam The concept for the episode developed from writer Jon Vitti coming up with a long list of bad things Bart would do for attention imagining the potential consequences. The only idea that developed into an interesting episode concept was Bart's cheating on an IQ test.
Jan 12, 2023 11 tweets 18 min read
#OnThisDay #OTD January 12, 1997, "The Springfield Files" (S08E10) first aired on the Fox network. Dir: Steven Dean Moore. Wr: Reid Harrison. EP: @AlJean & @MikeReissWriter. Guest-starring David Duchovny & @GillianA as Agents Mulder and Scully. #TheSimpsons @AlJean @MikeReissWriter @GillianA The episode was produced by Al Jean and Mike Reiss (pictured here with George Meyer), who had served as showrunners of seasons three and four. They returned to the show to produce this and several other episodes while under contract with The Walt Disney Company. (lol) Image
Nov 11, 2021 9 tweets 8 min read
#OnThisDay #OTD November 11, 1993, "Bart's Inner Child" (S05E07) first aired on the Fox network. Dir: Bob Anderson. Wr: George Meyer. EP: @DaveMirkin. Guest-starring @AlbertBrooks as Brad Goodman, James Brown as himself and Phil Hartman as Troy McClure. #TheSimpsons @DaveMirkin @AlbertBrooks This was Bob Anderson's directorial debut on The Simpsons. He's gone on to direct the most episodes of the Simpsons (62), the most recent of which was "Undercover Burns", the season premiere of Season 32. imdb.com/name/nm0026433/
Nov 11, 2021 7 tweets 12 min read
#OnThisDay #OTD (one day late) November 9, 1997, "Bart Star" first aired on the Fox network. Wr: @Donick. Dir: @LovesickFool2. EP: @scullymike. Guest-starring @RealJoeNamath as himself, @RoyFirestone as himself and @MikeJudge as Hank Hill. #TheSimpsons @Donick @LovesickFool2 @scullymike @RealJoeNamath @RoyFirestone @MikeJudge The episode was written by Donick Cary, who obtained inspiration from an experience in high school he had with a football coach who had a son on the team. Similarly, show runner Mike Scully had been on a soccer team whose coach would give his son special treatment.
Nov 11, 2021 12 tweets 9 min read
#OnThisDay #OTD November 10, 1996, "The Homer They Fall" (S08E03) first aired on the Fox network. Dir: @markk1914. Wr: @collierjonathan. EP: @thatbilloakley & @Joshstrangehill. Guest-starring Paul Winfield as Lucius Sweet and @MichaelBuffer as himself. #TheSimpsons @markk1914 @collierjonathan @thatbilloakley @Joshstrangehill @michaelbuffer Writer Jonathan Collier is a huge boxing fan. Knowing that the people on the internet would "give them grief", the writers went to a lot of effort to explain how Homer would be able to challenge for the Heavyweight Title.
Sep 19, 2021 15 tweets 17 min read
#OnThisDay #OTD #30YearsAgo September 19, 1991, "Stark Raving Dad" first aired on the Fox network. Wr: @AlJean & @MikeReissWriter. Dir: @_rich_moore. Guest starring @michaeljackson (speaking) and Kipp Lennon (singing) as Leon Kompowsky. #TheSimpsons "Stark Raving Dad" was written specifically for Michael Jackson, a fan of the show, who had called Simpsons creator Matt Groening one night and offered to do a guest spot. Jean and Reiss wrote the script based on an idea pitched by @canyonjim.