Dave A. Chokshi, MD Profile picture
primary care doctor; public health advocate. (tweets personal)
May 29, 2020 8 tweets 4 min read
In this @nejmcatalyst article, we investigate a striking 'X-curve' of ICU utilization at @NYCHealthSystem: a surge in #Covid19 patients accompanied by dramatic drop in non-Covid-19 patients. Led by @sprihagogia {Thread} catalyst.nejm.org/doi/full/10.10… Image The changing distribution of ICU patients’ diagnoses across the study period raises the specter of illness hidden and illness deferred. @LisaRosenbaum17
May 22, 2020 16 tweets 10 min read
Personal news: after 6 unforgettable years, I am stepping down from my leadership role at @NYCHealthSystem. Mixed emotions to say the least! But most of all I feel grateful to have served the mission of this extraordinary organization. Please indulge me as I recount some of our proudest accomplishments on behalf of patients. Far and away the most important one was forging this amazing team—
Apr 17, 2020 6 tweets 3 min read
We share early reflections from New York City, the epicenter of the US #COVID19 epidemic, with the aim of helping other parts of the country and the world confronting the same suffering. @DrKatzNYCHH @JAMA_current {thread} jamanetwork.com/channels/healt… 1/ Public Health and Health Care Delivery Are Intertwined
#COVID19 brings this into sharp relief. The effectiveness of social distancing translates directly into the number of sick patients in the emergency departments and intensive care units.