Dirk van der Linden Profile picture
Lecturer in CIS @NorthumbriaUni // Co-founder https://t.co/iS1PM6PqNG // Interested in how we build & use Animal-Computer Interaction technology // #aci2021
Mar 27, 2021 10 tweets 8 min read
Misplaced #petchip owner details—worrying, right?

But it might be more important to consider what your #pet #technology does with you & your pet's data by design—it might surprise you!

a thread on our research into 🐕🐈tech & #privacy implications:


bbc.co.uk/news/technolog… We found that most pet wearables (activity/location trackers) capture far more data of owner than pet—and tend to be vague on what pet data they capture.

But... pet data indirectly reveals information about you, and is shared with health consortia!
