Neuroscientist in Pharma R&D @Roche. Passionate about brains, machine learning, metabolism, health, nutrition ... cycling. Tweets = personal views & opinions.
Dec 25, 2020 • 9 tweets • 6 min read
Encouraging! #AppleM1 Silicon (MBA) smokes my 2017 MBP15" i7 on #rstats#tidverse tidymodels hotel example, random forests (last fit 100 trees). Experimental arm-R build = extra speedup. Thanks @fxcoudert for gfortran build & @juliasilge@topepos + team for the nice API + DOC.
And it’s wonderful to see that essential R packages are working on the M1 platform.
May 19, 2020 • 10 tweets • 5 min read
I am very excited to share our latest work published in @eLife! We combined #MEG, #fMRI and #MRI for #BrainAge prediction & #biomarker development. Each modality added unique information & enhanced brain-behavior mapping! Thread👇 1/ We combined anatomical MRI (surface area, thickness, volume), fMRI-connectivity and MEG (source power, connectivity, alpha-peak, 1/f, latencies) with a stacking approach (1: ridge, 2: random forest). We made sure our model potentially extracts information from missing values.
May 18, 2020 • 12 tweets • 5 min read
Excited to share our paper @NeuroImage_EiC by @DavSabbagh with… Nonlinear subject-level regression on M/EEG using linear models without source localization: theory + empirical benchmarks Thread👇 1/ When regressing outcomes on M/EEG power spectra (f = power; f = log(power), ...), volume conduction creates a nonlinear problem that cannot be addressed with otherwise effective linear models. Source localization can fix this but is not always available. How can we do without?