Andrew from Derby Profile picture
Ex military. Brexit has failed, Farage said so. Hate corruption & sleaze, ergo the Tories. Love Sci Fi, History. Cream THEN Jam. Aussie Shepherd owner.
2 subscribers
Feb 1, 2024 5 tweets 2 min read
Let me tell you @RishiSunak, why I will not be voting for you in the next general election. The first time I voted in 1979, was as a young soldier, it was for the Conservatives. I voted Conservative in every election until 2015, without fail. So why not now? Well I'll 🧵⤵️2️⃣
🧵⤵️2️⃣ tell you why, I was lazy, gullible and ill informed, I believed what I read in the Daily Mail. I believed my vote wouldn't make a difference, I believed all parties were the same anyway. Also, between 1975 and 1997 I was serving in the British army, so I was 🧵⤵️3️⃣
Aug 20, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
In 2016, 37% of the electorate voted to leave the EU. May said Brexit means Brexit and we'll make a success of it. Johnson said he 'got Brexit done'. Fast forward to 2023 and Farage said Brexit has failed, Habib said Brexit has failed, and Daubney said it wasn't a proper 🧵⤵️1️⃣ 🧵⤵️1️⃣ Brexit. Apparently, it's all my fault because I didn't believe in Brexit. Meanwhile, since 2016, I have had nothing but insults from politicians and from those who think they actually 'won'. Not once has anyone ever reached out in a conciliatory tone to persuade 🧵⤵️2️⃣
Aug 1, 2023 9 tweets 2 min read
What made me vote Conservative I've been asked? Well here goes, a thread 🧵: I didn't grow up in a coal, steel, car or any other manufacturing area. My old man was a Tory, my mum was Labour. There was bugger all work on the Isle of Wight, so much to my old man's disgust 🧵⤵️2️⃣ 🧵⤵️2️⃣ I joined the Army just before my 18th birthday. Not sure of dates and details but I believe I got a significant payrise from the Conservative government and that got my attention. There was no Internet, no social media, no 24/7 news, I had no way to know what I was 🧵⤵️3️⃣
Apr 25, 2020 8 tweets 4 min read
First I want to say a huge thank you to all of you who responded to this tweet yesterday, so much love and support, you are what keep me going. I feel selfish crying out when I know you are all dealing with so much. Such as it is, I have my health and I know many of you have ⤵️2️⃣ 2️⃣serious health conditions to deal with as well as this #COVID19, I want to be there for you too. I want to share with you where my head is right now. First, I am totally bewildered how suggesting frying somebody in intense light or injecting/ingesting disinfectant cannot ⤵️3️⃣
Jan 11, 2020 4 tweets 1 min read
Dear Brexit voters. I hope for all our sakes that you are right and I am wrong. I hope that your business will boom, produce in the shops is plentiful and cheap and I also hope as from 1st Feb you will be able to easily book a same day appointment with your doctor. I hope ⤵️2 ⤵️2 that your essential medicine is freely available. I hope that UK fishing becomes great again. I really do hope that the rest of the world will be fighting to be at the head of the queue to rubber stamp lucrative deals with us without us losing any control or sovereignty ⤵️3
Oct 18, 2018 11 tweets 6 min read
So, as Mr Farage @nigel_farage said, this leaflet popped through our doors before the Referendum at a cost of £9M, This is probably the only research most people did, it was certainly true for me. Like most people, I took the EU for granted, it was just, there.

1/11 It was the most important decision of our lives, the government made it clear that we already control our own borders and there would be tough new restrictions on access to our welfare system for new EU migrants. The government was clear we should stay in the EU.

Jul 20, 2018 4 tweets 1 min read
A lot of talk about ministers and civil servants 'making preparations for a No Deal #Brexit'. The government has been unable to even agree on Brexit in any other acceptable form over the last two years, so the worst possible outcome will be delivered. And you know what? The ➡️2 ➡️2 Fucking fuckers will fucking get away with it! 'You voted for Brexit, we never defined Brexit, you have your Brexit. We said best possible, this is the best we could do. You didn't hit the streets, you didn't sign the petitions, you sat back and did nothing like you ➡️3
Jul 6, 2018 8 tweets 2 min read
>>1 It doesn't matter why you voted leave in the referendum. It doesn't matter that Vote Leave cheated or broke the law. All that matters is that a coup has taken place in your name. The Tories who many of you would have never voted for ever, have the keys to the castle. Your >>2 >>2 beloved leader, Mr Corbyn @jeremycorbyn has locked himself in the dungeon, believing he can rescue the day when the shit, that is going to hit the fan, settles. You aren't going to get what you wanted, they are going to grab what they wanted, they are the winners, you >>3
Apr 27, 2018 6 tweets 2 min read
I don't blame you for voting for a lie, it was a slick, well executed lie. Yes, the remain campaign was weak and pathetic. I don't blame you for wanting more money for the NHS, who wouldn't? We all do.
However, unless you have slipped into a coma, you cannot fail to notice >>2 >>2 that the NHS is at great risk of being sold off. You cannot fail to see the jobs that have already been lost, the first wave of a tsunami of job losses. You cannot fail to see the increase in racial violence and the callous way the government is treating honest decent >>3