How to get URL link on X (Twitter) App know you know all this, Kevin, but worth reminding:—The most dangerous part of the Georgia voting law is that it removes from the State Election Board the vote of the Secretary of State—even though under Georgia Constitution, the Scty of State oversees elections. It also puts the board under the control of the legislature. 2/17 just hope that people around @realDonaldTrump will curb his desperate need to steal the limelight from the soldiers and leadership who did the real work and took the actual risks in this operation. SECOND tragedy/black-comedy-irony/clear-and-present-danger of the #TrumpboomHoax is that if a Democrat wins the White House next year, Republicans will blame *the new president* for the mind-boggling biggest deficits of all time created by @realDonaldTrump and GOP Congress. & his constituents seized on the “unfairness” of being “forced” to move kids from neighborhood schools to achieve racial balance. They were not yelling “segregation forever” like folks were down in my Mississippi home. But racial fears and bias *were* driving it. 2/4 is Republicans have a shrinking base which, as in 2018, gravitates toward coarse, extremist candidates with diminishing appeal to suburban moderates. GOP policy strategy to “do even less” is not attractive to millions of rural voters who want better schools & roads... 2/4 The most substantive crazy contradiction of Herman Cain’s career is that his whole I-made-it-on-my-own, with-no-help-from-anybody story is that war, there are always contortions of self-interest that on surface appear inexplicable a century (or a few years) later. “Jim Crow” refers to a labyrinth of laws all over the US, but particularly in the South, that created an apartheid system of racial separation in the US, from the 1870s to the 1970s. It was specifically targeted at African-Americans.’m unsure of the answer. But it’s not unlike Brett Kavanaugh. At a minimum, he was at times a loutish drunk. Said theatrically offensive things in his yearbook. What, if anything, makes amends? Becoming (as Northam did) an ally of those once injured is no longer enough.