Jessi Gold MD MS Profile picture
Psychiatrist. Author of HOW DO YOU FEEL? (order now!). College & Healthcare Worker Mental Health. Opinions=My Own
Jun 4, 2021 8 tweets 6 min read
What do you do when your patient no shows?

Show up at @DrRayMD's grand rounds?

Oh, me too!

Come for the bowtie, Stay for ALL THE knowledge.

"It is hard to pull yourself up by your bootstraps when you weren't allowed in the boot store"

@WUSTLPeds @SheilaRazdan ImageImage Here are some GEMS @DrRayMD talked about:

We NEED to understand the CONTEXT of race.

"When we measure the impact of race, we are likely measuring the impact of RACISM" Image
Feb 20, 2021 12 tweets 15 min read
Trigger warning: medical student suicide.

A THREAD We know we enter medical school w/ equal depression to age matched peers&leave more depressed.

So what happens emotionally to us in Med school &y do we keep it an open secret?

We need to talk abt it & how the culture&the experience of the student has been compounded by covid.
Feb 11, 2021 9 tweets 8 min read
This piece echoes a lot of what I wrote in mine(w/a cool graphic)

"As a therapist, I wish I could help everyone, but that thought becomes overwhelming and, of course, it's not realistic."…

THREAD on this piece AND how #mentalhealth providers=people,too! Interesting parts:
🔵Not all of them are in therapy (HOW?!)
🔵Teleheath=harder to connect(we need to do more studies of telehealth & burnout in therapy)cough @ColinWestMDPhD
🔵LOTS of GUILT for not being able to give patients answers & having to turn folks away (I GET this)
Jan 27, 2021 9 tweets 16 min read
Trigger warning. Content warning.

Suicide. Another officer from the capitol has been reported to have died by suicide.

This is significant&we need to be talking abt.Silence is stigmatizing.

We need to talk abt trauma.We need to talk abt moral injury. We need to talk abt going into your job& not being supported to do it.
Nov 15, 2020 6 tweets 7 min read
Let’s talk #mentalhealth in kids:
🔹in March 2020 &early April (bc of lockdown) kid ER visits for mental health ⬇️ 42%
🔹 Later April to Oct 2020,ED visits kids aged 5–11 & 12–17 years ⬆️ approximately 24% & 31%, respectively.

AKA We need investment NOW.… Kids are the future&if we don’t think abt their mental health& what we are doing to intervene,esp in a VERY resource strapped area(not a lot of specialists),we are really hurting them&our system for the long haul.

This is y mental health folks should b on #COVID19 task forces
Nov 13, 2020 5 tweets 14 min read
👋 people

Trolling healthcare workers is absolutely NOT.OK.

Exhaustion is an understatement of their experience.They minimize as it’s the ONLY word they can muster.

I’ve never seen a healthcare worker complain-that’s y we have burnout&high rates of suicide. Silence.

Enough. @morgfair @MollyJongFast @jamieyuccas @DrJenGunter @jack_turban @JoyAnnReid @kabarkoff @AubreyODay @ChaseTMAnderson @chrissyfarr @secupp @WFKARS @RyanMarino @gregmepstein @elizaorlins @LindseyBoylan @EricTopol @thehowie @GlennonDoyle @KatieHill4CA @ilyseh @meenaharris
Apr 19, 2020 9 tweets 18 min read
Here is something I have been thinking about: Even though this is very much a national tragedy, the narrative & experience of it varies profoundly from state to state.

I wonder what that will do when a college kid from NY sits with their friend from FL & they “don’t get it”? I remember being a freshman in h. school during 9/11 & in a small school in N FL where few people had even been to NYC, let alone had people there. At the time, my sister @KimberlyBlumen1 was in college there & I had been to windows on the world August 2001. I felt out of place.
Jan 6, 2020 8 tweets 9 min read
THREAD: @NYMag's latest on the #WeinsteinTrial says the defense is attempting to discredit the survivors with 50+ pages of rape myths and logical fallacies - the same used to deny & justify male sexual aggression against women for decades.

Some facts:… As described by @Irin, the defense in the #HarveyWeinstein powerpoint boils down to two things:

1. "*Her behavior* afterward shows she was fine."

2. "My *otherwise* good behavior shows I couldn't have done it."