🌌🖖🏽🖖🏿🖖🏻 Design & VR @StarTrekOnPPlus (tweets my own) ◾ Forensic video consultant ◾ frmr 📐🏠 @LineboxStudio ◾ https://t.co/hx29Si2bvW
Oct 27, 2023 • 43 tweets • 15 min read
CBC's reporting on Buffy is an utter failure. It mines quotes from all the usual suspects and cites distant relatives who have in their best interest to protect the name of their parents.
It stitches together media quotes and online dictionary to make Buffy sound inconsistent.
The way CBC structured the story suggests to the reader that Buffy was lying. This is a clear indication that CBC was not giving Buffy a fair shake.
Buffy has said for YEARS that elements of her early life were unknown. All this is stuffed at the end of the story.
Dec 4, 2022 • 14 tweets • 9 min read
Read / watched Sacheen Littlefeather interviews and came to a sympathetic view of her identity. Wrote how @SFChronicle opinion writer Jacqueline Keeler knowingly used an incomplete genealogy and string of media errors to smear Sacheen’s legacy voshart.medium.com/the-crashing-o…#longreads
Also shared an analysis of @jfkeeler and @VedarHe that strongly suggests they are run by the same person. If true, she used the account to astroturf Sacheen’s sister @truthjusticenw and others. voshart.medium.com/jacqueline-kee…
Sep 18, 2022 • 40 tweets • 16 min read
Broke my wrist two months ago so I relied on new machine learning models to keep "making art".
Deep-dive 🧵 about the things I learned in my thousands of #dalle2 prompts and why I've decided *not* to sell the finished product.
Late July, an SUV hit me while I was in the bike lane. They didn’t look or signal as they turned right.
I got a concussion, two fractures in my dominant wrist, roadrash etc. Driver was charged at the scene.
Luckily only my wrist and helmet cracked. It could have been worse.
May 12, 2021 • 4 tweets • 1 min read
Roughly half of Quebec has Indigenous ancestry. About 5% identify as Métis.
Pernicious academics are calling them "fake".
There is sub-zero trust in many Indigenous communities (rightly so) and people like Darryl Leroux exploit it mightily for... attention and a few book sales.
The government of Canada has a GIGANTIC problem.
Potentially millions of people in Quebec considering themselves Indigenous. Reconnecting with communities, learning from elders the truth about the settlement of Canada.
Dec 22, 2020 • 66 tweets • 27 min read
1/Not many people seem to be giving @NORTHERNGRRL the benefit of the doubt and I find this concerning. cbc.ca/news/indigenou…2/ As a filmmaker in Canada with a vague mixed ethnicity my approach was to simply not say anything about my background.
As a suburb kid I had no real cultural identity. I just thought about computers and cameras. Nerd culture. Tech culture.
Jul 24, 2020 • 6 tweets • 3 min read
What did I do during quarantine? 54 Machine-learning assisted portraits of the Roman Empire.
For this project, I transformed or restored (cracks, noses, ears etc.) over 800 images. medium.com/@voshart/photo…
Using the neural-net tool Artbreeder, Photoshop and historical references, I have created photo-real portraits.
54 Emperors spanning The Principate (27 BC to 285 AD).
Nov 8, 2018 • 7 tweets • 5 min read
@PrisonPlanet Forensic video consultant here: Can you please share a google drive link to the file you originally uploaded to twitter? Thank you.
@PrisonPlanet It appears the issue may have something to do with frame blending and -maybe- a drop-frame. Need original upload to know for sure. Thanks.