carpenter of the intellect || facilitation, complexity, sustainability science to help teams navigate tough problems || colleague at @leadershipgrows
Oct 20, 2023 • 4 tweets • 1 min read
Long quote ahead, from a classic article on complexity:
1. "The ability to reduce everything to simple fundamental laws does not imply the ability to start from those laws and reconstruct the universe.
2. In fact, the more the elementary particle physicists tell us about the nature of the fundamental laws, the less relevance they seem to have to the very real problems of the rest of science, much less to those of society. The constructionist hypothesis breaks down ...
Sep 4, 2021 • 10 tweets • 5 min read
Thread: books that help my making meaning of numbers and stats. For each a mini description 1. The drunkard's walk by @lmlodinow is an entertaining and instructive account of randomness with poignant anecdotes
Feb 26, 2021 • 9 tweets • 3 min read
Let's make it this crystal clear.
I've been critical of the Swedish covid strategy since March 2020. I am a member of a small FB group called @MewasUpdates. Some Swedes call me an "enemy of democracy" for it, instead of owning up to their visible failures and lies. Go figure
I told Krisinformation (Swedish agency for emergency information) that their behavior is criminal since 22 March 2020, and no, I don't regret a single expression I used. Exhibit A
Now panel with @snowded@sonjabl@NoraBateson@jgberger at Reimagine Leadership 2021 with over 300 participants. Will be live tweeting some insights
Nora Bateson: what does it mean to be healthy during a pandemic in an unhealthy system?
Oct 22, 2020 • 9 tweets • 2 min read
In the latest chapter of the Swedish corona un-strategy, the public health agency is removing the special recommendations they had on the elderly since April. What does this mean? 1/
At the beginning of April, elderly and other at-risk categories were recommended to avoid social contacts and take extra precautions such as avoid crowds and public transport. These recommendations are now removed, let's unpack what it means 2/
Sep 8, 2020 • 10 tweets • 3 min read
Tragedy of the commons in the age where people cannot even agree on the same basics of reality (thread)…
We live in the age of conflicting epistemologies. People seem to create narratives in their respective camps, with their own data, "science", facts, etc. /1
Aug 17, 2020 • 4 tweets • 1 min read
“One point would be to keep schools open to reach herd immunity faster”. The scandal you should know about: emails from the Swedish Public Health Agency revealing their herd immunity folly and their lies…
This is one thing that angers me so much. Had they been adamant with their cruel experiment, and laid out the risks, at least you could say: we knew we were headed on a dangerous route, but we the Swedish people signed up for it
May 28, 2020 • 14 tweets • 6 min read
Today's episode of "Very confident in our forecasts, especially when they are seriously wrong".
Some of the predictions and confident statements made by the Swedish strategists #coronasverige#CoronaVirusSverige#SwedenInDenial#BytStrategiNu (image below by @edalmaxwell)
Remember that time when Tegnell was saying out loud that herd immunity was the answer to the corona virus? Those were the days
Notice anything odd on the image below? Y axis missing, and is very much off-scale…
SvT tv show in which they were comparing testing in Denmark vs Sweden. Blatantly dishonest with the Swedish bar unreasonably high. (If adjusted per population, it would have looked even worse)
Today's episode of "We have no clue about how well we are handling this disease but feel confident about our ineffective strategy". It's tragic to share this news #CoronaVirusSverige#coronavirussweden#COVID19 SW 591; DK 203; NO 69…
Extra points for the incredible intellectual dishonesty of @TheLocalSweden who less than 24 hours ago published this piece which was flattering towards the Swedish strategy and factually inaccurate
Mar 1, 2020 • 33 tweets • 11 min read
THREAD List of books that have helped me make sense of Complex Adaptive Systems and work in them more skillfully. For each a mini description #complexity #cynefin #CAS #systems
@MelMitchell1 @jgberger @fp2p @Scott_E_Page @KleInsight To make the cut, the book must have complexity at its core, or at least more than a passing reference. Roughly in the order I'd recommend you to read them (but again, see what suits you). Grab a coffee, we got 15 books to cover!