Edwin - Growth Strategist Profile picture
I help business going through Transformation at @laman7my Follow for .. 🏆 Personal Growth 🚀 Marketing & Sales 📈 Business & Design
Dec 5, 2023 7 tweets 2 min read
Did some research on this 10 years back.

Punca utama: Aliran RM keluar negara

1. Warga asing terlalu ramai
2. Import barang
3. Kualiti barang export

Kita buka thread skit 1. Warga asing ada dalam 2.69 juta (2 juta bekerja). Kalau RM2k sebulan hantar balik, RM48 billion hantar keluar negara.

Sebenarnya amount ni jauh lebih tinggi.

Solusi: Hire lokal
Jan 25, 2023 13 tweets 3 min read
Cara Saya Galakkan Anak Membaca Buku Sampai Jadi Default Mode Mereka.

Disebabkan ramai tanya, saya buat thread ...

(2/12) Kita betulkan mindset dulu

🙄 Membaca amalan mulia

🙄 Baca untuk kembangkan otak

Kecilkan tujuan

✅ Melatih fokus

Kita tahu anak² susah nak fokus, lagi ketinggalan bila tak boleh fokus dalam kelas, hidup dan kerja.
Jan 24, 2023 11 tweets 2 min read
I've had my share of interviewing Fresh Grads and Junior positions in the past 2 months.

Here are the findings.

🧵👇👇👇 1. They came unprepared or too prepared.
2. They don't ask questions (s).
3. Shy and steer from the conversation.

Here's how to overcome these problems.
Nov 26, 2022 5 tweets 1 min read
TikTok destroyed my focus.
True story.

During early Covid, I spent 1~2 hours daily on TikTok but it felt like 15 mins.

Whenever I tried to read article, I skimmed through and was constantly looking for "the hook".

Every TT videos have strong hook.
Which releases dopamine. When you get hit with many dopamine in an hour your mind becomes numb.

😔 Playing sports became boring.
😔 Interaction became a burden.
😔 Reading felt very slow.

Life itself became boring.

My productivity went so low.
My company didn't make money.
Nov 26, 2022 7 tweets 2 min read
Senarai Buku Pemula Business.

Basically, lagi pandai kita tanya soalan betul, lebih tepat jawapan kita akan dapat.

Makanya, inilah buku² bantu skit utk tanya soalan yg significant. Kenapa kena pandai tanya soalan dan BUKAN pandai buat business?

Business ni bukan exact science.
Most problem is situational.

The first order of business,
"Define the problem".

Selagi tak boleh kong-kong problem, selagi kita akan melilau cari jawapan.
Aug 11, 2022 5 tweets 1 min read
Took me 2 hours to figure this out!

One of the best ways to rank on Google is to be on their good side.

You need to understand how Google and SEO work. 2/5 It's not always going to be rainbows and butterflies.

But you're ranked, you'll smile from ear to ear!
Aug 11, 2022 8 tweets 2 min read
"Saya perlu website ke untuk business saya?"

If you have to ask ,..

The answer is always NO.

Kenapa? 2/7 Belum Ready.

Website ni alat komunikasi.

Sama macam bagi phone pada budak 3 tahun. Dia bukan ada kawan nak call pon.
Aug 10, 2022 8 tweets 2 min read
Recently I found a Productivity Hack.
One that changed my team and workflow.

🔥 I get more things done.
🔥 I no longer need to motivate myself
🔥 My team move quicker
🔥 I no longer do all the optimisation

(Thread) 2/8 It's called "Time Boxing".

When we were in school.
We had timetables.

9-10am - Physics
10-11am - Chemistry

It doesn't matter what we learn.
We stay within the topic.
Aug 9, 2022 14 tweets 2 min read
Takde Idea Nak Tulis Apa di Website?

7 Soalan Website Wajib Jawab.
(Thread) Image Semua tahu,

Website adalah alat komunikasi.

Tapi sangat obses dengan benda fancy.
- Design nak paling cun
- Animation terbang sana sini
- Gambar nak cantik.

Semua ini TAK PENTING ...
Jun 7, 2022 9 tweets 2 min read
Resort 35 tahun, kekal relevant dan profitable.

Macam mana dia buat?
Macam mana nak apply dalam business kita?

(Thread) 1. Customer service

Instead of suruh orang beratur, kita duduk je. Dia datang ke meja menunggu dan check in kita.

Guna bahasa semua org faham.

Semua staff Senyum setiap masa.
May 16, 2022 12 tweets 2 min read
Rasa nak berhenti kerja dan mulakan bisnes sendiri, baca thread ini.

⬇️⬇️⬇️ Image Semalam borak panjang hal ini.
Soalan ini berat.

Tapi kita boleh breakdown satu persatu.

Guna mental model.
Apr 2, 2022 8 tweets 2 min read
Kenapa Negara Kaya Terus Kaya,
Dan Negara Miskin Kekal Miskin?

Soalan sama boleh diajukan,

Kenapa orang kaya terus kaya,
Orang miskin kekal miskin?

Bagaimana bole apply dalam hidup sendiri? Kajian dibuat oleh pakar ekonomi, banyak faktor sebenarnya, tapi drill down kepada 2 sahaja.

✅ Negara kaya – Ramai dewasa optimistic

❌ Negara miskin – Ramai dewasa pessimistic

Ya, semua bermula dari mindset diri sendiri.

Apa itu optimistic dan pessimistic?
Apr 1, 2022 8 tweets 2 min read
Bagaimana Nak Galakkan Anak Membaca?

Soalan saya terima dari sepupu. Anak beliau ketagih main game dalam phone dan mengumpul Robux.

Sambung Saya tanya kembali:

"Mak ayah nye membaca jugak ke?"

– Baca. Socmed dan online artikel dari phone.

Disinilah salahnya.
Mar 31, 2022 6 tweets 1 min read
Good Model to Market Your Service (So You Hit Critical Growth).

Service is different from a Product.

With products, you get to touch, feel and see it.

With services, you see it when it's done.

3 Stages to Market Services.
⬇️⬇️ Stage 1: Minimum Acceptable Standard.

When starting out, meet the accepted standard. Every industry has its own standard.

If you've never experienced it,
hire others to do it for you.

Meet these standards before marketing.
Feb 24, 2022 26 tweets 3 min read
Kenapa Web Designer Selalu Serabut?
Bagaimana nak atasinya?

Kalau ikut dari first paid gig,
Saya sudah 21 tahun membina website.

15 tahun pertama,
setiap kali dapat job,
saya jem dan serabut.

Then saya tukar...
(thread) Kita go through masalah-masalah.

1. Tak tahu nak design macam mana.

Setiap kali submit, client reject.
Buruk, tak padan dengan brand.
Dan macam-macam.

Kebiasanya merujuk kepada style.

Solusi: Minta reference website.
Feb 23, 2022 8 tweets 2 min read
How to Write Any Ads that Sells?

You've probably seen this 1000 times.
It never gets old.
It's never new.

Here's my SECRET.

It boils down to 3 things.

#30daysCopywritingtips (Thread)
⬇️⬇️⬇️ What I'm going to share is my secret sauce.
So powerful that you think it's stupid.

It's too common sense.
It's too 'duhhhh'.

When you finish reading this,
and find this to be meaningful,
help me RT this post.

Let it reach as many people as possible.
Feb 22, 2022 7 tweets 2 min read
"NO. No. no."

Is never the word we ever want to use in Copywriting.

Here's why and how to fix it.
⬇️⬇️⬇️ (thread)

#30daysCopywritingtips 1. Fundamental of Copywriting by Joe Sugarman.

"Copywriting must lead them to read the next sentence"... "and the next."

When you use the word 'No',
You indirectly teach them to say no.

When you want them to take action,
'No' would come up naturally.
Feb 21, 2022 5 tweets 1 min read
Ringkasan Space

Kita ni sebenarnya,
Banyak knowledge,
Banyak teknik,
tapi kurang kefahaman. Image Perkara wajib dalam business
Apa yg patut utamakan?
1. Jualan - dapat jualan
2. Untung - boleh simpan
3. System - invest in system

Silap ramai peniaga
1. Produk apa nak jual?
2. Apa ayat nak guna?
3. Macam mana nak posting?
4. Kat mana nak buat posting?
Feb 21, 2022 8 tweets 2 min read
My Go-To Copywriting Framework.


This was developed by multi-millionaire maker, Dan Kennedy. (For some reason, do not want to be online).

⬇️⬇️⬇️ (thread)
#30daysCopywritingtips If AIDA was confusing, then PAS is a lot simpler to understand.

P - Problem
A - Aggravate
S - Solution

Of course like any other copywriting process,
it must start with knowing who the target market is.

Jan 28, 2022 6 tweets 2 min read
"Everyone is Selling"

Whether it's a product, service, idea or themselves.

We're all fighting for the same thing.

▶️▶️ Attention ◀️◀️

#30daysCopywritingTips We have 2 seconds to stop people from scrolling.

We have to accept these conditions.

✅Not everyone is your target market
✅Not many need it now
Jan 27, 2022 7 tweets 2 min read
"Copywriting is 100% Creative Work."


Copywriting is not like writing a novel.
Not a fluff piece.
Not to appear clever.
Not mesmerising.

Certainly not hypnotising.

#30daysCopywritingTips #101s Copywriting is ..

80% Research
10% Arrangement
10% Write/ Edit