Emadeddin Badi Profile picture
Eyes on MENA geopolitics & security | Thoughts my own.
Jan 21, 2020 4 tweets 3 min read
Latest UNSMIL report issued on 15th of Jan was obfuscated by other Libya developments (Moscow ceasefire/Berlin) but contains useful info.

A rare reference to 60 precision strikes by foreign fighter jets conducted on behalf of Haftar's LAAF on West Libya.

unsmil.unmissions.org/sites/default/… On the opposing side, the GNA carried out 250 airstrikes.

The report attributes the recent military academy massacre to "aircraft affiliated with the Libyan National Army", though Salamé was quoted mentioning a foreign state (#UAE) was likely responsible.
Dec 12, 2017 10 tweets 3 min read

There is a growing trend to implement development projects oriented towards women economic empowerment (WEE) in #Libya. This is great because it paves the way for changing the cultural paradigm of Libyan society and promotes inclusion of #women in other areas. 1/10 But there are also opportunities/risks that should be observed/mitigated when implementing such projects, given the #Libya-n environment. I’ll try and compile a few here that I hope will be observed by both donors and implementing orgs. 2/10