Nathan Challen (🧱,🥷) Profile picture
Solopreneur engineer going all-in on #Work3, #DAO tech. Building a productised business. I tweet how I’m doing it. Productivity nerd 🤓 + 🥷 🏗 @cakerydao
Feb 2, 2023 6 tweets 1 min read
If you want to be more productive...

Aim to have less 'loops' left open.

Let me explain 👇 In electronics / computers systems 'open loops' burn resources.
Your mind is no different.

An open-loop is when your mind needs to remain conscious of an external factor in order to close the loop.

An open-loop is a bookmark in your mind to come back and check on something.
Feb 1, 2023 9 tweets 3 min read
Would you be happy if your year is 12x January?

Do you know how you are tracking so far?

If you want a better way to track your progress try making your S.M.A.R.T. Goals S.H.A.R.P.E.R.


Let me explain: SHARPER Goals are just like SMART Goals.

However, you're more likely to succeed in achieving a sharper goal because they are based on the principles of both habits and connect to your purpose.
Jan 31, 2023 9 tweets 2 min read
DAOs value soft skills as much as hard skills.

A hard skill will get you in. Soft skills will help you grow in the the team.

Hard skills are often technical.

Here are 5 soft skills essential to being successful in a DAO 🧵 👇 1/ Emotional Intelligence
2/ Community Mindset
3/ Acceptance
4/ Work Ethic
5/ Entrepreneurship

Tips on each as they apply to being a #DAO contributor: