Fernando T. Maestre Profile picture
Professor of Environmental Science and Engineering @KAUST_news Husband, father, dryland ecologist & runner. PI @Maestrelab
Mar 9, 2021 9 tweets 4 min read
Now that #IWD2021 #8M has passed it is a good moment to reflect on what I am doing to make academia a more inclusive and egalitarian place (and on what I could do better), so here is a recopilation of measures that I am doing, which perhaps could inspire/help others 🧵 1) Ensure that my lab is a flexible, healthy, people-centered and family-friendly workplace where harassment/discrimination of any form is not tolerated maestrelab.com/en/lab-philoso… My actions for doing so are summarized in these 10 rules 👇journals.plos.org/ploscompbiol/a…
Nov 11, 2020 12 tweets 9 min read
Excited to share our comment in @NatureFoodJnl doi.org/10.1038/s43016… (free to read 👉 rdcu.be/caBrA) Here we discuss the environmental costs of discarding food before entering the market in water-limited #drylands Want to know +? Keep reading👇1/12 #ZeroHunger #SDG2 1/3 of the food produced globally is not consumed, of which approximately 14% corresponds to post-harvest loss fao.org/3/ca6030en/ca6… In most high-income countries, the primary reason for this is to control prices
Feb 4, 2020 15 tweets 4 min read
Se está discutiendo mucho por aquí sobre la idoneidad de animar a nuestros estudiantes a hacer el doctorando ante la falta de perspectivas laborales en España (una importante causa de estrés entre los investigadores + jóvenes) 👇hilo con mi opinión (+ anuncio al final) 1/15 Image Como ya se ha repetido hasta la saciedad es necesaria una mayor inversión en I+D e incrementar el número de plazas, sobre todo tras los drásticos recortes que nuestro sistema de I+D+i ha sufrido. Pero mientras eso llega hay, IMHO, varios aspectos importantes a considerar