How to get URL link on X (Twitter) App of TikTok is effective at communicating to people who are not "on the right" but maybe more middle-of-the road, moderate, or mainstream. planning committee provides 18,000 pounds of oyster crackers for each potluck.'ve all been told, from the beginning, that coronaviruses aren't new, so we knew how they spread. rioted and burned a limo on Inauguration Day and gave us this gem:'d always ask him before an election how his union buddies were leaning. He'd always tell me, "They're all voting for the Democrat. That's what the bosses want." is not an ideological creature. Not one bit. He reads the room, and he does the popular thing. He’s not committed to border security, conservative judges, or the pro-life cause the way you are. He IS, however, committed to doing what he told you he would do on those issues., a lot of pro-life advocacy today is based on science and a shared belief, regardless of faith, that human life should be protected. was not a conservative dream, by any means, but he was essentially a choir boy with respect to character issues. It didn't matter. 47% was distorted. Binders full of women was distorted. He had magic underwear. He put a dog on the roof. He gave a woman cancer. sad thing is, most of us voted for the Emerald City candidates for decades because they promised they were different.