Fuzzy Chimp 🇺🇸🍌 Profile picture
Husband. Father of chimplings. Opposable thumbs. Conservative. Christian. #ProLife #America! 🇺🇸
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Oct 27, 2024 8 tweets 3 min read
It is time, once again, for a little stroll through history. This time, we'll look at Nazi rallies at Madison Square Garden.

As you know, Nazis held a rally on February 20, 1939, which means any event held since has been a recreation of that Nazi rally. Image Johann Fïtzgerald Kennedy stormed the Garden with a band of fascist senior citizens in 1962 Image
Oct 23, 2024 22 tweets 6 min read
🧵 Donald Adolf Hitler Trump throughout the years.

Hitler, circa 1994, staring menacingly at a black man. Image 1996: Hitler makes a phone call to deport a woman for her "foreign accent". Image
Apr 19, 2022 8 tweets 2 min read
They're going after Libs of TikTok because it's effective.

No, not effective, at "secretly fueling the right's outrage machine". We've got enough "fuel" from the Biden administration to power the globe and any future Elon Musk colonies on Mars, if only we could harness it. Libs of TikTok is effective at communicating to people who are not "on the right" but maybe more middle-of-the road, moderate, or mainstream.

That's why they're mad.
Jul 17, 2021 15 tweets 5 min read
Jul 16, 2021 6 tweets 2 min read
This requires further analysis:

1) Twix: You can always add chocolate and caramel to make something more tolerable, but not great.

2) Almond Joy: The hate is unwarranted and is most likely fueled by the Moundstriarchy. 3) Kit Kat: Every 80's kid was given these by their great grandma. Someone just covered them in chocolate to make it edible.
Nov 16, 2020 6 tweets 2 min read
Socialism is a potluck you're forced to attend.

There are 300 people and 50 bring food - all mushy canned green beans, which is the state-mandated minimum. There are 3 pieces of chicken for the first ones in line. There are no drinks due to a planning error. The planning committee provides 18,000 pounds of oyster crackers for each potluck.

17,970 pounds of crackers go to waste, but it makes good economic sense to the planning committee because it keeps the state-owned oyster cracker factory operating.
Nov 8, 2020 8 tweets 2 min read
I realize I probably sound cynical to some of you on this unity stuff.

It’s because I’ve had my eyes open for the past 4 years.

If we’re going to unify, we have to understand why we have disunity. That’s why I believe Biden’s words on unity are empty. He will not address the reasons for disunity because I doubt he sees them. Even if he did, he wouldn’t name them because his base would crucify him.
Nov 7, 2020 4 tweets 1 min read
It's just a reality that it just got a lot harder to envision any change in the outcome now. Media calls are, in reality, worthless, but they matter to people.

Still, the legal process must play out. If there are legitimate concerns, they need to be brought forward. Aside, from that, let the resistance begin. We need to win at least one runoff in Georgia to mostly neuter the first 2 years of a Biden presidency.

They can still be very dangerous with executive actions, so there will be much to fight.
Sep 30, 2020 11 tweets 2 min read
I would like the exchange to have been handled better, but let's review what actually happened. Go to 1:33:00 in the video.

Wallace: "Are you willing, tonight, to condemn white supremacists and militia groups…"

Trump: (interrupting) "Sure."
Wallace: (signalling that he wasn't done with the question) …and to say that they need to stand down and not add to the violence in a number of these cities, as we saw in Kenosha, and as we've seen in Portland."

Trump: "Sure, I'm willing to do that…"
Sep 10, 2020 8 tweets 2 min read
Strap in, because this ridiculousness is going to continue through election day.

The word of the day is "airborne". That's the particular deceit being spread to make you think Trump was hiding something. You've all been told, from the beginning, that coronaviruses aren't new, so we knew how they spread.

It's not just floating around. You get it from droplets from someone sneezing or coughing.
Sep 9, 2020 5 tweets 1 min read
My kids are a week and a half into school now. In-person classes, distancing as practicable, one-way traffic, full mask mandate.

So far, they're doing fine. The administrator reported last night that the students have done extremely well with the mask wearing. We've revised our arrival and pickup process. All students are temperature-checked upon arrival. Students are individually released at the end of the day.

They have an earlier dismissal because "specials" (music, PE, etc.) are to be done at home.
Aug 31, 2020 7 tweets 2 min read
You don't get to sow chaos every day since November 9, 2016 and then pretend it wasn't you. People have watched this with their own eyes.

They said he would accept the results, then Hillary didn't.

They tried to get the Electoral College to reject the people's vote. They rioted and burned a limo on Inauguration Day and gave us this gem:
Aug 28, 2020 5 tweets 2 min read
I find things like this interesting. Yes, it's totally anecdotal, but when things are different than they have been your whole life, it makes you take notice.

I'm in Ohio. I coached a kid who I talked sports and politics with occasionally. He's a union welder now. I'd always ask him before an election how his union buddies were leaning. He'd always tell me, "They're all voting for the Democrat. That's what the bosses want."

In 2016, I asked the same question, expecting a similar answer. Nope.
Aug 27, 2020 5 tweets 2 min read
I don't usually watch CNN. This is weird. It's just nothing but @ChrisCuomo and @donlemon making up falsehoods about Republicans and agreeing with each other that they're right. There are literally no guests or opposing views. 😂😂😂 So I've had this on for a while now, and according to @donlemon, they've been "talking about it all day". @ChrisCuomo is alleging the "militia" members are coordinating with the police.

He appears to be operating on internet video clips and pure speculation.
Jul 12, 2020 5 tweets 1 min read
Remember George Floyd?

He was the guy whose death sparked a moment of unity that some police reforms were needed.

Unity being unhealthy for Democrats in an election year, Mr. Floyd’s story was quickly co-opted to push agendas over which unity was impossible. The media then spent weeks running cover for looters and rioters, forgetting entirely the pandemic.

That transitioned nicely into a week of fighting over monuments and stoking racial resentment just in case there was any merit to those polls about black support for Trump.
Jun 3, 2020 14 tweets 3 min read
They had 24 years to prevent us from finding ourselves in this situation again.

They are not the president. Like it or not, Trump is. The sad thing is, he is uniquely positioned to make a positive change, and we’re going to waste it.

Strap in, I’m gonna make some of you mad…😂 Trump is not an ideological creature. Not one bit. He reads the room, and he does the popular thing. He’s not committed to border security, conservative judges, or the pro-life cause the way you are. He IS, however, committed to doing what he told you he would do on those issues.
Mar 19, 2020 16 tweets 4 min read
They say misery loves company, so here's a little story from #QuarantineLife. Feel free to have a laugh at our expense.

I got out of the shower at about 1:30 am last night. Let me tell you why that was amazing. Yesterday, the floor drain was backing up into the basement. The drain is connected to the septic tank, so yeah, loads of fun.

I'm down in the basement, trying to snake the drain AGAIN. Twitter friends gave me the idea to use nitrile gloves, and I was staying nice and clean.
Mar 1, 2020 15 tweets 3 min read
I've been wanting to provide a specific answer to this idea that the Bible says nothing about abortion, but wanted to do it when I had some time.

Let me be clear, this answer is for Christians. If you don't believe in Christ, the points might not be meaningful to you. Also, a lot of pro-life advocacy today is based on science and a shared belief, regardless of faith, that human life should be protected.

We could argue about the origin of that shared belief, but most people accept it.

This is not THAT advocacy. This is based on Christianity.
Feb 6, 2020 12 tweets 2 min read
I've told this story before. I'm telling it again. Romney had just lost. We were disgusted with the Democrats and their media enablers, and we were upset with Romney for not pushing back harder. Romney was not a conservative dream, by any means, but he was essentially a choir boy with respect to character issues. It didn't matter. 47% was distorted. Binders full of women was distorted. He had magic underwear. He put a dog on the roof. He gave a woman cancer.
Dec 19, 2019 28 tweets 8 min read
Nov 4, 2019 6 tweets 2 min read
Everyone in Emerald City always thinks we want to be in Emerald City. We don't. We like our normal, ordinary, awesome lives.

We don't like Emerald City taxing us, trying to take our guns, indoctrinating our children, redefining gender, taking over healthcare, and so on. The sad thing is, most of us voted for the Emerald City candidates for decades because they promised they were different.

Here's one of my Emerald City votes torpedoing the repeal of Obamacare that he promised he would do.

Maybe this behavior should be impeachable?