Pablo Galindo Profile picture
Nephrologist, Internist, Critical nephrology | INCMNSZ | ISSEMYM | Creator of @adequator_app | obsessed with extracorporeal therapies | #NSMC 2020
tariq zayan Profile picture Abel Lucero Ruiz Profile picture 2 subscribed
Jul 17, 2020 15 tweets 6 min read


Kidney Replacement Therapy #KRT & #AKI

One ring to rule them all To this day: NO difference in outcomes between

- Difussion vs Convection
- Std vs ⬆️ dose
- Early vs Late ⏰

The problem is #AKI & what it represents. #KRT can’t change that, no matter how you do it

💥SOLUTE & VOLUME control💥
becomes the only GOAL
May 15, 2020 17 tweets 5 min read
Today I woke up and realized I had homework assigned by @ArgaizR

He asked me to complement his thread about the recent NEJM case, regarding the CRRT approach. Why me? 🤷🏻‍♂️ who knows

but I always turn in my homework, so here it is ——-thread 🧵 #CRRT #COVID19 #AKI So the case is very representative of what we are all seeing in #COVID19 patients:

1️⃣A lot of AKI
2️⃣Intrinsic etiology (host or direct)
3️⃣Many need KRT (RRT)
4️⃣KRT resources are not enough
5️⃣A lot of circuit clotting
6️⃣Nephrologists with headaches

Feb 9, 2020 19 tweets 7 min read
What’s the kuf of a coffee paper filter?

What’s the kuf or UF coefficient?

I’m an amateur in extracorporeal tec but I’m a self proclaimed expert in coffee process and preparation.

So lets answer this absolutely irrelevant question

#nephtwitter #coffee #tweetorial When making coffee many processes are similar to dialysis

-diffusion and convection
-semipermeable membrane
-waste product

When using drip💧methods like v60, chemex, kalita, or conventional coffee machine, what is the mechanism that extracts coffee?