Discover and read the best of Twitter Threads about #AKI

Most recents (24)

May 31st 2023
1) Welcome to a 🆕accredited tweetorial from @cardiomet_CE! We welcome back expert faculty @ChristosArgyrop to discuss screening for #CKD in pts w/ #T2D & the role of routine assessment for #microalbuminuria as an effective diagnostic, risk stratification, & patient ed tool.
2) Christos Argyropoulos MD, PhD @ChristosArgyrop is Division Chief, Nephrology @UNMHSC. #CKD is chronic #kidneydisease, #ESKD is end-stage kidney disease.
#FOAMed #nephtwitter #cardiotwitter @MedTweetorials @NephUCommunity @ISNkidneycare @KidneyDiseaseFm Image
3) This program is intended for #HCPs and is supported by an unrestricted educational grant from Bayer. Statement of accreditation & faculty disclosures at
FOLLOW US for more expert-authored #tweetorials and earn #MedEd
Read 43 tweets
May 25th 2023
📢 Tweetorial on sepsis -endotoxin- cytokine cascade

👉Pathogen invasion in body

👉Pathogen expresses certain molecular patterns or
endotoxins called pathogen-associated molecular patterns (PAMPs)

PAMPs are recognized by toll-like receptors expressed by
neutrophils Image
👉 Activation of innate immunity and leukocytes

👉Release of cytokines - pro +
anti-inflammatory(interleukins 1, 6, 8, 10 &
tumor necrosis factor)

👉 Dysregulated host
response to infection - organ failures

👉 Immunoparalysis, reinfection,
hospital-acquired infections ImageImage
Futher in the thread , extracorporeal therapies targeted at each level of sepsis cascade would be discussed 👇…… Image
Read 17 tweets
Nov 9th 2022
Check out our today’s paper edition on…
Russian President Vladimir Putin may yet attend next week’s Group of 20 Leaders’ Summit – albeit virtually – President Jokowi suggested on Tuesday. #Putin #G20

Read more:…
Indonesia insisted on working to meet global goals through its own interpretations, refusing to make any rhetorical promises while still emphasizing its commitment to climate action. #COP27 #MarufAmin

Read more:…
Read 12 tweets
Nov 6th 2022
Drug Induced Acute Interatitital Nephritis #AIN #AKI #KidneyWk @ASNKidney
In it’s pathogenesis allergic reaction mechanisms are involved #AIN #AKI #KidneyWk @ASNKidney
The p-i concept in #AIN indiuced #AKI #KidneyWk @ASNKidney also consider genetic susceptibility
Read 10 tweets
Nov 6th 2022
Different mechanisms related to Cyrstal Induced Kidney Damage
#CystalDamage #AKI #KidneyWk @ASNKidney
Sulfadiazine, Acyclovir, Methothrexate, Ataxanavir clinical vignettes of #CystalDamage #AKI #KidneyWk @ASNKidney
Summary of some medications causing crystalline nephropathies. #CystalDamage #AKI #KidneyWk @ASNKidney
Read 6 tweets
Nov 5th 2022
Focus on POCUS in CRS #FluidManagement
First of all understand what is POCUS and how to use it
#KidneyWk @ASNKidney
Focused Clinical Questions in #AKI. Which are our regular tools and how they perform? @NephroP
#POCUS #KidneyWk @ASNKidney
Physical Exam in Real Life, Fluid Balance (I&O’s) in real life vs. FoCUS
#POCUS #KidneyWk @ASNKidney
Read 8 tweets
Oct 9th 2022
🏆 Time to talk about Aki Network ⎘

@aki_protocol is a data-powered consumer network for web3 scaling aiming to being a data powerhouse for web3 marketing and advertising.

Yesterday we complete DappBack task now time to discover another masterpiece #Aki
#Aki have four products :

- StarMap : influencers can show their web3 impact
- Campaign Engine : users can complete task to get reward
- Referral Framework
- AKI InScore : influence score

Find out more here :…
We can take some benefit's with #AKI :

- Find the right web3 project Early and being the part of their community
- Find the right Influencers that you like and consume the information they provide
- if you are influencer show your influence through data
Read 8 tweets
Sep 7th 2022
Don't miss our monthly educational review #EHJACVC @ESC_Journals!

This month by the great @ArgaizR: fluids in #AKI
Co-starring: @ThinkingCC @khaycock2

Extremely proud that our journal offers a platform to 3 great clinicians & Twitter educators. I always learn from them... Image
A strong argument is made to switch mainstream thinking in #AKI away from the fallacious concept of fluid responsiveness in all to a primary assessment of fluid tolerance.

Probably the most important thing I have learned on Twitter: #VExUS Image
Why do I like #VExUS so much? Because it really changed my everyday practice... Portal vein became part of my standard #echocardiography assessment.

And that's what we want to achieve with this review, offer something directly applicable at your bedside! Image
Read 5 tweets
Aug 3rd 2022
1) Welcome to our new #accredited #tweetorial which is Part 2 of a 2-part "highlights" program on new #SGLT2i & #DKD data presented at @ERAkidney #ERA22. #Physicians #nurses #pharmacists #PAs and #NPs can all earn 0.5h CE/#CME by following this 🧵!
2a) @ERAkidney #ERA22 is a primary international scientific symposium for interaction and exchange among basic scientists and clinicians working in #Nephrology. Our expert author is Dr. Clara García Carro (@ClaraGCarro) from San Carlos Clinical Hospital (Madrid, Spain).
2b) Be sure to check out the first half of this #ERA22 recap from my colleague @shbermejo, and get MORE 🆓CE/#CME at Join me in following @ckd_ce for the BEST in #cardiorenal education delivered entirely by #tweetorial!
Read 48 tweets
Jun 27th 2022
Offering #dialysis to patients with a new diagnosis of #malignancy is always an emotive and complex affair if they present with an #AKI or #renaldysfunction
Sometimes it’s pretty clear - like in the 30 something who presents with a cervical cancer , bilateral hydronephrosis and K of 7- one will usually explain to The patient what’s the issue and buy them time for intervention which buys time for an oncology consult and further mx
Sometimes it’s not -70 plus with metastatic lung cancer and #AKI will likely need dialysis but is that the right thing - often it’s easy saying make the shared decision with the patient - but shock and the acuteness of the situation doesn’t help and true #SDM is seldom easy
Read 10 tweets
Mar 12th 2022
1/16 Inspired by #NephMadness, let’s briefly touch on:

💢Role of kidney biomarkers in patients with CHF
💢‘Worsening kidney function’ in heart failure
💢Permissive hypercreatininemia
💢Handling RAASi and SGLT2i in heart failure
#NephTwitter #MedTwitter…
2/16 Let’s have a poll.
Forward failure, characterized by decreased kidney perfusion, is the main determinant of kidney dysfunction in acute decompensated heart failure. Is this true or false?
3/16 That’s false!
◀️“Backward failure” (Kidney congestion, interstitial edema and tubular dysfunction) is believed to play a more vital role compared to “Forward failure”▶️ (decreased kidney perfusion)
Neurohumoral and inflammatory mechanisms also operate
Read 17 tweets
Mar 9th 2022
1) Welcome to our new #accredited #tweetorial on risk stratification to identify the patient with #T2D and #DKD most at risk for rapid progression to advanced CKD. I am Christos Argyropoulos MD, PhD (@ChristosArgyrop), Division Chief, Nephrology, @UNMHSC.
2) This #accredited #tweetorial series on #kidneydisease #DKD through the lens of #T2D is supported by an independent educational grant from the Boehringer Ingelheim/Lilly Alliance and is intended for healthcare providers.
3) This activity is accredited for #physicians #physicianassociates #nurses #NPs #pharmacists. Past programs still eligible for credit can be found at Faculty disclosures are at FOLLOW US for regular programs by expert faculty!
Read 45 tweets
Jan 19th 2022
(1) Welcome to this #accredited #tweetorial, on recent & emerging data on finerenone, a non-steroidal mineralocorticoid receptor antagonist. We’ll discuss what it is, what evidence supports its use, & where it might fit into future #renal guidelines. I am @drkevinfernando.
(2) This program is supported by an educational grant from Bayer and is intended for #healthcare providers. Author disclosures can be found at Prior programs, still available for CE/#CME credit, are at
(3) Let's start with a knowledge check.
The following therapeutic options have demonstrated a significant reduction in the progression of both #CKD and #cardiovascular mortality in people living with #T2D:
1. ACEi's & ARBs
2. Spironolactone
3. SGLT2 inhibitors
4. Finerenone
Read 38 tweets
Dec 13th 2021
This paper has many interesting findings but I wanted to focus on the #brain-#kidney axis. What is the relationship between the kidneys and brain injury in malaria? Can measuring tau levels help us identify children at risk of long-term brain injury? Let's discuss! 🧵 Image
Last year there were an estimated 627 000 malaria deaths with 80% of African deaths occurring in children <5 years of age. Unfortunately, due to COVID-19 disruptions in public health measures to control malaria, this is higher than in previous years.
Survivors are at risk of long-term brain injury. We need tools to identify children at risk of brain injury for early interventions so that every child has an opportunity to survive, and thrive.….
Read 16 tweets
Nov 1st 2021
Don’t miss a new accredited #tweetorial launching TOMORROW here on @cardiomet_ce. #Emergencymedicine researcher and devotee of deep understanding of drug mechanism of action @md_pollack will be considering why being #nonsteroidal means better #MRA. Don't miss it! @GoggleDocs
1) Welcome to a #tweetorial where we’ll explore the mechanism of action of mineralocorticoid receptor antagonists (#MRA) & consider why it's so #vogue to be #nonsteroidal. This program is accredited for 0.50 credits for #physicians #nurses #pharmacists. I am @md_pollack. #FOAMed
Read 51 tweets
Sep 1st 2021
The latest from our team:

A deep dive into the long-term consequences of #COVID19 on kidney function and disease

#longcovid #PASC

@VAResearch @vahsrd @WUSTL @WUSTLpubhealth @WUSTLmed @WUSTLnews @VREFSTL
@Biostayan @BCBowe @JASN_News @ASNKidney…

We previously provided a high dimensional characterization of post-acute sequelae of COVID-19

We showed that #LongCovid can affect nearly every organ system.

@Nature @NaturePortfolio

What happens to long term kidney function in people who survive acute #COVID19 ?

And are they at increased risk of #kidney disease?

To address this, we built a cohort of 89,216 US veterans with #COVID19 and 1,637,467 non-infected controls.…
Read 9 tweets
Aug 19th 2021
1/ 🚨#Tweetorial alert. Let’s discuss a couple cases of #Hypercalcemia 🦴🥛
@NSMCInternship #NSMC2021 #TeamTwobules #NephTwitter #MedTwitter #MedEd 🧵
2/ A patient admitted with c/o decreased appetite, abdominal pain, & constipation. Found to have severe #AKI (with hyperkalemia + acidosis) & hypercalcemia.
3/ What’s your differential for #hypercalcemia?
C - Calcium supplements
H - Hydrochlorothiazide
I - Immobilization
M - Multiple Myeloma, Milk-alkali
P - Parathyroidism
A - Alcohol
N - Neoplasm
Z - Zollinger-Ellison
E - Excessive Vit D
E - Excessive Vit A
S - Sarcoidosis
Read 24 tweets
May 17th 2021
Acute Kidney Failure

OR 🤔

Acute Kidney Success?

…bare with me while I explain 🧵

#NephTwitter #MedTwitter #Physiology #askrenal #tweetorial #aki #MedStudentTwitter #meded #FOAMed
We make 1-2 L of urine per day to eliminate

❎excess solutes


✅maintain homeostasis.

This process is accurate to the T.
To achieve this accuracy, plasma is continuously filtered and reprocessed by the kidneys. ♻️

How much plasma is filtered per day, you ask? 😳

Roughly 200 LITRES! 🌊
Read 15 tweets
Mar 11th 2021
1/ What causes #AKI with extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO)?

🗣️🗣️Let’s explore this 🔥topic from #NephMadness 2021

🧵#tweetorial #CriticalCare #NephTwitter @NSMCinternship @ASPNeph

Poll: How common is AKI in patients receiving ECMO?
2/ Basics first:
⚡️ECMO: temporary mechanical assistance device that provides prolonged cardiopulmonary support

⚡️Venovenous (VV) ECMO→ full respiratory support
⚡️Venoarterial (VA) ECMO→ both respiratory and hemodynamic support…
3/ Why are we talking about #ECMO?🤔🤔

⭐️Data from @ELSOOrg (Extracorporeal Life Support Organization): ⬆️📈⬆️in number of centers performing ECMO, and the number of runs (courses) per year
Read 18 tweets
Feb 10th 2021
Can #bloodpressure treatment be harmful? Our new meta-analysis suggests it is NOT linked to #falls or #fractures but may increase the risk of syncope & acute kidney injury… – see thread @RichardJMcManus @Richard_D_Riley @ebhcmedstats @JulietU_S @drandyclegg
1/ No meta-analyses of randomised controlled trials to date have quantified the association between blood pressure lowering treatment and specific adverse events such as #falls, #fractures, #syncope (fainting) or acute kidney injury #AKI
2/ In a meta-analysis of 58 randomised controlled trials, including 280,638 participants and an average of 3 years follow-up, there was no evidence of an association between antihypertensive treatment and #falls (primary outcome) or #fractures.
Read 7 tweets
Dec 31st 2020
Here is the #PedsICU #BestOf2020 collection.
Jointly chosen by
@Dr_Hari_Krishna @sgdambrauskas and myself
Pubmed collection 40 articles:…
Infographic (clickable PDF) in English:
#PedsCICU #NeuroPICU
This will be a bilingual tweetorial in Spanish/English!
Infographics are available in both languages in Tweet #1

El hilo será en Español/Inglés. El resumen infográfico está disponible en los dos idiomas en el primer Tweet
1/What are the outcomes that matter to children, to families and to #researchers/clinicians? @ericka_fink et al & @PostPICU_PALISI investigators identified COS using a delphi process. @CritCareMed Developmental and functional outcomes were important.
Read 44 tweets
Dec 31st 2020
Llegó colección de lo #Mejor2020 en #PedsICU &
@Dr_Hari_Krishna 🇬🇧@MiguelrrMD 🇪🇸 @sgdambrauskas 🇺🇾

Versión infográfico español:
Version inglés:

#SoMe4MV #neuroPICU #delirium #PedsCICU
English #BestOf2020
The #Bestof2020 #PedsICU pubmed collection will also be available in the FREE #PICCHub app (sponsored by @PICSociety) as the latest monthly #PICUJournalwatch collection:
Download links: Android:…
3/ La FUNCIÓN como nuevo paradigma
@ericka_fink et al POST #PedsICU investigators & @PALISInet hicieron consenso Delphi
Qué es lo importante como resultados al alta #PedsICU?

En @CritCareMed lo que encontraron con precioso infogràfico
Read 42 tweets
Dec 3rd 2020
New research update!

We have just completed a prospective observational study: "Clinical Trajectories of Acute Kidney Injury in Surgical Sepsis" to determine the long-term impacts of #AKI in #sepsis patients.

Read more about our study:…
The delayed or incomplete recovery of acute organ dysfunction during sepsis is an important determinant of survival and functional recovery. Since the kidney is highly susceptible to acute dysfunction during sepsis, we studied trajectories of AKI to see how they affect outcomes.
This single-center prospective 1-year longitudinal cohort study included 239 septic patients hospitalized in a surgical ICU. Blood and urine samples were collected to characterize endothelial function, inflammation, and immunosuppression.
Read 11 tweets
Oct 23rd 2020
Fluid overload is bad news for patients:
1. Causes AKI
2. Prevents organ and patient recovery
3. Increases mortality

Ill share some of the data masterfully presented by @criticalbeansmd today at #KidneyWk starting with the take home points, in case this is the only tweet you see
Fluid Overload is very common, is all over the place and it has several definitios.

Patients accumulate weight at least for the first 7 days if the ICU doesn’t have some sort of FLUID STEWARDSHIP program in place. Remember fluids are drugs #KidneyWk.
There is no single situation in which Fluid overload is beneficial for patients. On the contrary. It is bad in every situation, doesnt matter how we slice or present the data. Liberal fluid strategies are always worse #KidneyWk
Read 13 tweets

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