Dr Alice Garvey Profile picture
Research fellow @SRILeeds in spatial justice, low carbon transitions, climate policy / she/her
Jan 22, 2021 5 tweets 3 min read
New paper from Jonathan Norman, @dr_anneowen, @j_r_barrett and me, exploring the mitigation potential of transition scenarios towards a net zero UK food system


Available open access here: sciencedirect.com/science/articl…

(1/5) There are many sources of GHG emissions across the food supply chain, but we considered 3 mitigation options acting on final demand:

✅Dietary change
✅Reducing food waste
✅Following dietary recommendations

Dec 10, 2020 9 tweets 5 min read
Yesterday we released our independent @CREDS_UK report for the @theCCCuk on industrial decarbonisation policy.

Here are some highlights from our research on policy mechanisms that could be used to achieve #NetZero aligned industrial emissions.

#UKCarbonBudget @SRILeeds

(1/9) To evaluate the landscape of current industrial decarbonisation policies, we created a database and timeline documenting around 40 active policies in this area.

The database can be downloaded at: creds.ac.uk/publications/i…
