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Dec 10th 2020
Yesterday we released our independent @CREDS_UK report for the @theCCCuk on industrial decarbonisation policy.

Here are some highlights from our research on policy mechanisms that could be used to achieve #NetZero aligned industrial emissions.

#UKCarbonBudget @SRILeeds

To evaluate the landscape of current industrial decarbonisation policies, we created a database and timeline documenting around 40 active policies in this area.

The database can be downloaded at:…

We also carried out a comprehensive literature review to identify future policy mechanisms - developing a 'typology' of possible instruments to use to reach #NetZero. A simplified version is below:

Read 9 tweets
Dec 9th 2020
The Sixth Carbon Budget (2033-2037) charts the decisive move to zero carbon for the UK. The CCC shows that polluting emissions must fall by almost 80% by 2035, compared to 1990 levels – a big step-up in ambition. (1/12) #UKCarbonBudget 🧵
Our recommended Sixth Carbon Budget would achieve well over half of the required emissions reduction to 2050 in the next 15 years, but decisive action must start today. (2/12) #UKCarbonBudget
The recommended Sixth Carbon Budget and UK NDC also reflect the goals and requirements of the Paris Agreement, recognising the UK’s responsibility as a richer developed nation and its respective capabilities. (3/12) #UKCarbonBudget
Read 12 tweets
Dec 9th 2020
The @theCCCuk has launched its comprehensive report on the UK's sixth carbon budget this morning. Lots of challenges, but also lots of hope for a better future. Thread below covers key points:

- New technology is key, with some behaviour change
- £50bn of investment pa needed
Q: What consideration the CCC gives to new evidence that aviation emissions are causing 3 times more harm than previously estimated. Would a frequent flyer levy be a faster way to reduce aviation emissions?

A: The sooner we cut aviation emissions the better
A: But this report tries to balance the need to reduce emissions with people's want/need to travel. So the scenarios focus on reducing demand growth. Pandemic has supressed demand for flying, and it matters that we cut emissions, but need to see more over time.
Read 37 tweets

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