Jessica Green Profile picture
Immigrant. Poli sci prof at U of Toronto. Politics of climate change, getting to 1.5, carbon markets, oceans, NGOs, enviro politics. Occasional ranter.
Apr 15, 2020 14 tweets 7 min read
Working my way thru @ForeignAffairs issue. Nordhaus calls for climate clubs to promote int’l action. Int’l relations has a lot to add, which is overlooked in his piece.THREAD cc @khar1958 @gernotwagner @adamtooze @robertfalkner @MarkVinPaul @climateopp… 1/ Much of past IR theory dominated by game-theoretic models; hence #climatechange became a free-rider problem. Lots of present theory sees it differently. Conditional cooperation is not the main challenge.
Apr 14, 2020 10 tweets 7 min read
Excellent piece in @ForeignAffairs by @jessejenkins etal #decarbonization. Succinct tech summary of progress toward 1.5C. But I respectfully disagree w/ subhead “Technology can save the planet.” Here’s some politics to add to their great analysis.… THREAD Tech progress CAN create a virtuous cycle. See work by @thomasnhale, @HoffmannMatt, eg. But #climatechange is largely a problem of inequality. An emphasis on technology overlooks this fact. 1/n…
Jul 22, 2019 12 tweets 12 min read
@tednordhaus argues that instead of polarizing policies like #carbontaxes, we need “quiet climate policy” and should focus on “the art of the possible.” 1/n… @TedNordhaus With respect to the author, this is insufficient and fails to acknowledge the fundamental equity and justice issues that are part and parcel of any solutions. 2/n
May 10, 2019 9 tweets 4 min read
Perhaps obvious to climate nerds out there, but #IMF #fossilfuel #subsidies report has important implications for #carbonpricing THREAD It’s VERY hard to take #carbonpricing seriously when #fossilfuel #subsidies create a countervailing negative price. /1