Greg Campion | Intentional Wisdom Podcast Profile picture
Let’s get BETTER WITH AGE. Stronger, healthier, smarter. Listen to my podcast and subscribe to my free newsletter:
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Jan 2, 2023 10 tweets 2 min read
The Sunday planning session.

A simple 15-minute practice to 5x your productivity and lower stress.

Here's how it works: The start pointing assumes that you already know WHAT you need to do to hit the goals you're aiming for.

The Sunday planning session gets specific about WHEN you're going to do it.
Nov 25, 2022 16 tweets 9 min read
🎅 Introducing the 2nd annual ❄️

Intentional Wisdom Holiday Gift Guide

12 ways to invest in YOURSELF this holiday season.

(and discount codes to do exactly that). It's the holiday season!

Too much eating. Too much drinking.

A bunch of gifts we're going to end up returning.

But don't worry. I've got you covered.

Here are 12 things that may actually help you get happier and healthier in the new year.
Nov 21, 2022 13 tweets 7 min read
What if there was an untapped $20+ billion market right under your nose, but only you could see it?

That was Bill Shufelt 5 years ago.

Today, he’s the CEO of @AthleticBrewing the largest non-alcoholic brewer in the U.S.

Here's his story & why non-alcoholic beer is taking off: Image Before making the leap into entrepreneurship, Bill had what was by all external measures a successful career on Wall Street.

Good money, stimulating work.

But something wasn’t quite right.
Oct 31, 2022 12 tweets 3 min read
Today, I completed 31 straight days of doing 100 push-ups.

Here are 7 things I learned along the way: Image 1/ It's very possible to get stronger and more efficient with your movement in just one month.

I timed myself every day during this challenge.

Here's how my times trended over 31 days.

From 10:30 -> 4:33 Image
Aug 16, 2022 18 tweets 8 min read
There is nothing better than losing yourself in beautiful storytelling.

And sometimes reality is more exciting than fiction.

15 NON-FICTION BOOKS with stories so good you'll be amazed that they're actually true: 1/ The Splendid and the Vile - @exlarson

An intimate portrait of Winston Churchill, his family, and the British nation surviving the German Blitz. Image
Jul 2, 2022 10 tweets 20 min read
I love asking top performers about the HABITS and ROUTINES that underpin their success.

Below is what I've learned from:


Who should I interview next? @jspujji @KatColeATL @girdley @dklineii @BiggestComeback @jbonhotal @NathalieRach . @jspujji taught me about operating in the ZONE OF GENIUS and just how powerful having the right coach can be.

Jun 21, 2022 19 tweets 23 min read
Is there anything @jspujji can't do?

• He worked @ Goldman Sachs & McKinsey
• Founded & sold a $50M digital marketing biz
• And in the last 18 months, founded 3 companies and grew his Twitter following to 140k

How does he find the time (& energy) to do this?

I asked him.👇 @jspujji Jesse and two roommates from Wharton started a digital marketing company called @ampush in their mid-20's.

It was a massive success.

They quickly became one of Facebook's top advertising partners and ultimately crystallized millions in value in a deal with @RedVentures.
Jun 7, 2022 37 tweets 43 min read
Most people fail to keep up with their health & fitness after 40.

Don't let that be you.

Here's the playbook you need.


• The 4 big areas you can't get wrong
• The specific tactics to make sure you don't First of all, let's level-set on the goal.

Sure we'd love to be rocking six-pack abs, chiseled pecs & toned arms to the embarrassment of the rest of the over-40 crowd at the community pool...

Those are great (& possible), but after 40, they are "nice to haves."
May 10, 2022 14 tweets 5 min read
We're all strapped for time.

So how does @girdley have the time (and energy) to:

• Oversee 9 businesses from software to coffee
• Kick a$$ at Crossfit 5 days/week
• Grow his Twitter following to >95k
• Make relentless Chili's jokes?

I asked him. Here's what I learned.👇 1/ Girdley implements EOS (Entrepreneurial Operating System) not just in his businesses, but to manage his own life, too.

This involves:

• Identifying a core set of values
• Crafting a 10-year vision that fits on 2 pages
• Making 3-year, 1-year & quarterly plans to execute
May 5, 2022 55 tweets 10 min read
I've spent 20+ years working for top companies in the world of finance.

Along the way, I've made nearly every mistake in the book.

Some cost me thousands and maybe even millions of dollars.

If I could speak to my 22-year-old self, here's the advice I'd give.
🧵 1/ Find work that energizes you.

If it's a struggle to motivate yourself, you're in the wrong role.

Start planning your next move.
Mar 22, 2022 8 tweets 3 min read
Burnout is an epidemic.

It ruins careers, relationships & mental health.

A study by Deloitte reported a staggering 77% of workers have experienced it at their current job.

But it doesn't have to be this way, says @NathalieRach.

Her Top 4 strategies for avoiding #burnout.
👇 1/ Seek inspiration

Quite literally everything is more difficult if we don't believe in WHY we are doing it.

From careers & fitness, to academic pursuits, spending the time upfront to identify our purpose & motivation can provide us the tailwind we need when things get tough.
Jan 23, 2022 29 tweets 8 min read
Are you ignoring one of the most important indicators of your health?

Companies like @whoop, @ouraring and @eightsleep have figured out how important #HRV is and they're building businesses on top of it.

Here's what you need to know.

🧵 Image 1/ WHAT IS #HRV?

Heart rate variability is the measure of the time between each beat of your heart—and more specifically, how that changes over time.
Jan 9, 2022 14 tweets 3 min read
Houston, we have a problem.

We've set extremely AMBITIOUS GOALS for ourselves for the year ahead.

But despite our best intentions, the reality is that we LACK THE TIME to actually accomplish them.

The Golden Hour may be the answer we’re looking for. 1/ The Golden Hour is time that you intentionally schedule with yourself FOR YOURSELF.

It can be for your:

• Fitness
• Mental health
• Career
• Side project

or whatever it is that you are striving to improve this year.
Jan 6, 2022 9 tweets 2 min read
For me, 2022 is The Year of Meaning.

And what better way to start it than by listening to a truly meaningful dialogue between two of my favorite podcasters and authors, @richroll and @tferriss.

Here are the 7 most MEANINGFUL concepts I took away.… 1/ Mood follows action.

We tend to (mistakenly) think that we need to change our thinking before we can change our actions.

It turns out the reverse is true more often.

Start with action.

Improved mood and thinking follow.
Sep 14, 2021 15 tweets 4 min read
Late bloomers get a bad rap.

But that's about to change.

Structural shifts unfolding in today's economy mean that not "having it all figured out" by your 20's may actually put you at an ADVANTAGE.

🧵 #Tweet100 1/ Today's education system is still set up to support the industrial economy. Sit down, be quiet, memorize... and eventually, you might just learn to become a cog in the great wheel and get yourself a guaranteed pension.
Sep 13, 2021 7 tweets 3 min read
Every time I find myself struggling, either personally or professionally, I ask myself these 4 questions to help me get back on track.

#Tweet100 🧵 1/ Am I sleeping well?

• Have I let my bedtime slip?
• Am I looking at screens an hour before bed?
• Am I getting up at the same time (even on weekends)?
• Am I actually measuring the quality of my sleep?

Sleep is essential. It's when all the growth & restoration happens.
Jul 12, 2021 12 tweets 3 min read
12 years into a lucrative investment banking career:

• I quit my job
• Moved to a city where I knew no one
• Hit the reset button on my life


• I'm an MD @ a $300bn asset mgr
• Have published 2 books
• Create content for a living

10 lessons on career reinvention
🧵 1/ When you're doing it solely for the money, it's time to go.

•It will never be the ideal time to leave.
•The golden handcuffs only get tighter.
•Money is just one component of 'rewarding' work.
Jul 7, 2021 55 tweets 7 min read
I humbly present:

52 ideas to make you:


The key insight from each of the first 52 issues of the #IntentionalWisdom newsletter.

👇🧵 1. Contrary to popular belief, coming up w great ideas is not about magic or luck.

We can actively cultivate the conditions for creativity by:

- Getting inspired (see #12 on content diets)
- Getting physically active (walk, run, whatever, just sweat)
- Letting our minds wander