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Ω Physician, heal thyself Ω | 99.9% bad memes | games+comics+movies+politics | anti-capitalist | anti-GOP | anti-Dem | pro-humanism | he/him | 한국계 미국인
Joe Ondrechen Profile picture Karen Salitis 🇺🇸🇺🇦🇺🇲 Profile picture 2 subscribed
Apr 18, 2021 5 tweets 1 min read
Having now used all 3 extensively, my current controller rankings go DS5 > Switch Pro Controller > XBox

The DS5 has the best overall feel. The rumble is fantastic, the triggers are bliss, and it's no longer obnoxiously bright like the DS4. The only thing TBD is the battery life The Pro Controller is just damn solid and the battery is GODLY. My only gripe are the digital triggers now that the d-pad is fixed in newer models. I still like the joycons too as a portable option (helps that my hands aren't huge) but their drifting problem is inexcusable.
Mar 6, 2020 8 tweets 2 min read
My kneejerk reaction to this is to point out there's too much on the line to be so self indulgent. But I think I only feel that way because as a Korean American, I am unable to project my identity onto my role models. I have never felt represented in mainstream American culture No, Yang doesn't count. Yang is Taiwanese American. I'm Korean. The homogenization of Asian peoples in pop culture is another reason why I can't project my identity like that. I grew up surrounded by white people who wouldn't know the difference between us or care to learn
Feb 22, 2020 34 tweets 7 min read
With the Nevada primary upon us and South Carolina waiting in the wings, I thought I might as well run over Bloomberg's health summary too. Ya know, that republican billionaire supervillain that has invaded the party. His came out in Dec:
1/ Bloomy's physician is an internist from Johns Hopkins, Dr. Stephen D Sisson. Though Dr. Sisson states BlooBloo has been seen at John Hopkins for years, he fails to state how long he has personally treated him. That info might be obtainable elsewhere but it's not here 2/
Feb 12, 2020 13 tweets 3 min read
The last letter on my to do list is Warren's (unless you want me to do Bloomberg's too). Warren's is actually pretty straight forward, and, if I may be blunt, she's probably the healthiest of the 3 septuagenarians discussed. Here's a link to her letter:… 1/ Warren's letter comes from her long time physician of 20+yrs, Dr. Beverly Woo. According to Dr. Woo, Warren's only health condition is hypothyroidism, a condition she has in common with Sanders. Like Sanders, she takes levothyroxine to supplement her low thyroid function 2/ Image
Feb 9, 2020 26 tweets 7 min read
Alright, Bernie's health letters are being litigated again so now's as good a time as any to go over Biden and Warren's health letters. That's right, health LETTERS, because health summaries are standard practice while records are unintelligible for laymen. Let's begin w/Biden 1/ Biden released a health letter from Dr. O'Connor who is the family physician that has been treating him since 2009. The letter can be found here:…
Again, this is a health summary, not a dump of medical records. They are a normal part of a doctor's job 2/
Feb 3, 2020 5 tweets 2 min read
Here's what really flies in the face of the class reductionist critique of Sanders: Look at his campaign staffing and community specific policies. Class reductionism is akin to "color blindness," ie. whitewashed wokeness/feminism. Bernie's campaign is anything but whitewashed 1/ As @TheBarbaraSmith says, identity politics is NOT about hierarchies of oppression, it's about how "we acknowledge that people have different relationships to systemic oppression based on who they are." Now look at the makeup of Bernie's staff and policies 2/
Jan 1, 2020 18 tweets 6 min read
I didn't expect my deep dive into Bernie's doctor letters to get so much attention. Thank you all for the kind words! Due to popular demand, I'll go over the remaining 2 letters. Well, really only one of them since the other doesn't say much. Let's get to it #Bernie2020 1/? The first letter written by Dr. Monahan that I previously discussed was a general health summary. The next letter written by Dr. Ades and Patrick Savage MS from the Uni of Vermont Medical Center is strictly dealing with the results of his post-heart attack stress testing 2/?
Dec 31, 2019 27 tweets 7 min read
There is a LOT of misinformation regarding doctor's letters in lieu of the ones @BernieSanders released, in no small part because the modern journalist has no idea how to report on science/medicine, so I thought I'd take it upon myself as a physician to break it down
#NotMeUs 1/? Let's start w/some basics. Doctors are accustomed to writing health summaries and letters for clearance and take the task very seriously. What this should stress for you is that every statement is deliberate. An errant word can cost someone their livelihood so stakes are high 2/?